, 197 tweets, 280 min read Read on Twitter
21. United States decided to label #IRGC terrorists. But who are the real terrorists? Who created, trained, armed & financed the worst terrorist groups in the world?

#Hypocrites #DoubleStandards #Liars #Warlords #USRealTerrorists
1 to 20. United States decided to label #IRGC terrorists. But who are the real terrorists? Who created, trained, armed & financed the worst terrorist groups in the world? 🤨👇🏼
"#Iran's president Hassan Rouhani presented an ultimatum of two months to the #EU to save the #Iran nuclear deal. However, the deal is likely to continue to deteriorate, says The Independent's Patrick Cockburn"
By @Almasirah_Eng
#Iran Says Its Oil Tanker Discharged Cargo Despite Pressures
@Almasirah_Eng Tehran Says #Iranian Tanker Reached Its Destination, Sold Its Oil
@Almasirah_Eng By @southfronteng
Iran Is Preparing To Release British Tanker “Stena Impero”
@Almasirah_Eng @southfronteng International Atomic Energy Agency’s acting chief Feruta holds news conference.
@Almasirah_Eng @southfronteng #Iran Announces Further Reduction Of Commitment To Nuclear Deal
@Almasirah_Eng @southfronteng Iran will be a full nuclear power by the end of 2020: no return to the 2015 agreement ejmagnier.com/2019/09/09/ira…
@Almasirah_Eng @southfronteng @ejmalrai Did you know, @realdonaldtrump, that Netanyahu was also instrumental in pushing the US into the Afghanistan quagmire? The same one that you now cannot get out of?

His motto since 1986: Fight to the last American soldier.

Just watch this clip:
@Almasirah_Eng @southfronteng @ejmalrai @realDonaldTrump Trump Says He Could Still Meet With #Iranian President #Rouhani
#Iran says no meeting without #USA lifting sanctions
@Almasirah_Eng @southfronteng @ejmalrai @realDonaldTrump #Israeli PM Claims He Discovered #Iran Nuclear Site, But No Evidence Exists
Accuses #Iran of destroying site months before he discovered it
@Almasirah_Eng @southfronteng @ejmalrai @realDonaldTrump #USA regime Joins #Israel Apartheid regime In Accusing #Iran Over Nuclear Program
Accuses #Iran of dragging its feet on cooperating
@Almasirah_Eng @southfronteng @ejmalrai @realDonaldTrump By @snarwani
"My interview on the #USA-#Iran stand-off, where it's heading & why the Middle East is responsible for the global balance of power shift toward multipolarism."
@Almasirah_Eng @southfronteng @ejmalrai @realDonaldTrump @snarwani @HassanRouhani @EmmanuelMacron WHY IRAN WON’T TALK TO TRUMP

Trump sacked ‘warmonger’ #JohnBolton, hoping to pave the way for a meeting with Iranian President Rouhani. #Iran says that won’t lead to talks with US.
@Almasirah_Eng @southfronteng @ejmalrai @realDonaldTrump @snarwani @HassanRouhani @EmmanuelMacron By @telesurenglish
Germany's Chancellor #AngelaMerkel said that #Europe has chosen to honor the 2015 nuclear agreement with #Iran which was abandoned by the #UnitedStates unilaterally last year.
@Almasirah_Eng @southfronteng @ejmalrai @realDonaldTrump @snarwani @HassanRouhani @EmmanuelMacron @telesurenglish 🤬📢@LindseyGrahamSC #Warlord #WarCriminal has called on the #USA administration to send a message to #Iran by bombing the Islamic Republic’s oil refineries.
🤬This #sponsor of #terrorism now wants to accuse #Iran for the #USA is losing the war in #Yemen!
@Almasirah_Eng @southfronteng @ejmalrai @realDonaldTrump @snarwani @HassanRouhani @EmmanuelMacron @telesurenglish @LindseyGrahamSC "Commander of the IRGC Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh said had Washington responded to the shooting down of its spy drone by #Iran in June, several of its bases would have come under immediate attack by the #IRGC"
Gov't Spokesman: #Iran No to Negotiate with #USA Under Sanctions
#Iran: Reduction of N. Deal Undertakings Continues Unless #Europeans Show Loyalty to #JCPOA Terms
#USA seeking justifications for attacking #Iran following #Yemeni raids: Analyst
#China slams as ‘irresponsible’ #USA accusations of #Iran involvement in #Saudi oil attack
Intl. community must slam #USA 'destructive' behavior, economic terrorism: #Iran
By @telesurenglish
The reported seizure coincided with raised international tensions following a weekend attack on a major oil installation in #SaudiArabia, for which the #USA and #SaudiArabia were quick to blame #Iran.
@telesurenglish By @RT_com
Yet, #Trump also noted he doesn’t want another war
@telesurenglish @RT_com NEW RON PAUL VIDEO REPORT:
‘Locked and Loaded’ – Will #Trump Attack #Iran?
@telesurenglish @RT_com Ayatollah #Khamenei: No talks with #USA; maximum pressure campaign futile
@telesurenglish @RT_com "No negotiation will take place between the officials of the Islamic Republic and the #USA at any level, whether in New York or anywhere else"
@telesurenglish @RT_com @realDonaldTrump @RonPaul "If the #USA retracts its word & repents & returns to the nuclear deal that has violated, then it can attend talks other #JCPOA parties hold with #Iran. Otherwise, no talks will be held at any levels between #Iranian officials & #Americans..."
@telesurenglish @RT_com @realDonaldTrump @RonPaul #Iran shows #Trump that it’s too big to be crushed or marginalized
@telesurenglish @RT_com @realDonaldTrump @RonPaul The New York Times Magazine: "The Secret History of the Push to Strike #Iran"
@telesurenglish @RT_com @realDonaldTrump @RonPaul Top Security Official Warns of #Iran's Crushing Response to Any Possible Aggression
@telesurenglish @RT_com @realDonaldTrump @RonPaul #Trump Leaning Against Attacking #Iran
Senators urge caution against any escalation of regional hostilities
@telesurenglish @RT_com @realDonaldTrump @RonPaul 🤬📢#USA regime don't know the language of diplomacy. 🤬The only thing #USA regime knows is, use #sanctions, #regime changes and #war🤬👇🏼.
Reuters: "#Trump says he has ordered substantial increase of #Iran sanctions"
@telesurenglish @RT_com @realDonaldTrump @RonPaul @southfronteng 🤬📢With such a president and the government that the #Americans have, #Americans need no enemies, they already have them, by the way!

By @southfronteng
#Trump Says He Instructed Treasury To “Increase Sanctions” On #Iran
@telesurenglish @RT_com @realDonaldTrump @RonPaul @southfronteng By @southfronteng
Gulf War Report: #USA Starts Preparations For War With #Iran
Gulf War Report: U.S. Starts Preparations For War With Iran
@telesurenglish @RT_com @realDonaldTrump @RonPaul @southfronteng #Iran seeks to reduce tensions but will surprise aggressors in case of attack: Senior official
@telesurenglish @RT_com @realDonaldTrump @RonPaul @southfronteng @JZarif 🤬📢#World #Leaders why you do not do anything to stop the illegal #sanctions🤔?
🗣️📢#Sanctions should not be imposed by one country, but only by the #UnitedNations.
🤬Are you afraid🤨?
🤬Or do not have them in place😏?
@telesurenglish @RT_com @realDonaldTrump @RonPaul @southfronteng @JZarif ‘AN ALL OUT WAR’

Iranian FM Zarif said in response to CNN’s question about the consequences of an American or Saudi military strike on #Iran.
@telesurenglish @RT_com @realDonaldTrump @RonPaul @southfronteng @JZarif ASKS #IRAN'S FM ZARIF

Where did Yemenis get technology to target Saudi oil plants with such precision and bypass sophisticated American air defense systems?
@telesurenglish @RT_com @realDonaldTrump @RonPaul @southfronteng @JZarif By @JZarif
On @CNN,I emphasized that here's no such thing as a"limited strike".Iran does NOT want war,but we will NOT hesitate to defend ourselves.
Also,Yemenis,under BrutalAttack for yrs,have powerful motivation to build what it takes to defend themselves
@telesurenglish @RT_com @realDonaldTrump @RonPaul @southfronteng @JZarif @CNN The Triumph Of Candidate #Trump's Foreign Policy: Backing Off 'Disastrous War' With #Iran | Zero Hedge zerohedge.com/political/triu…
@telesurenglish @RT_com @realDonaldTrump @RonPaul @southfronteng @JZarif @CNN If the #USA military, or #Israel or #Saudi_Arabia, had a viable plan to attack #Iran without triggering a wider #war, they would have done so long ago."

Will #Americans Let #Trump Start World War III for #Saudi_Arabia and #Israel? mintpressnews.com/will-americans…
@telesurenglish @RT_com @realDonaldTrump @RonPaul @southfronteng @JZarif @CNN Via @YemenEdge
"The ruling caste of #Saudi_Arabia present the most striking example in world history of the extreme combination of avarice and personal cowardice. They are gagging for a war with #Iran so long as somebody else fights it for them."
@telesurenglish @RT_com @realDonaldTrump @RonPaul @southfronteng @JZarif @CNN @YemenEdge Who Needs John #Bolton? Trump’s Neocons Are Determined to Go to War Against #Iran
@telesurenglish @RT_com @realDonaldTrump @RonPaul @southfronteng @JZarif @CNN @YemenEdge Via @ejmalrai
The indispensable mediator: Europe’s role in the US-Iran dispute | European Council on Foreign Relations ecfr.eu/article/commen… by @EllieGeranmayeh
#Zarif: Even #Saudis Hold No Belief in Fictions About #Iran's Involvement in Attacks
"Commander of #Iranian Army Major General Seyed Abdolrahim Mousavi reiterated that #Israel is too fearful of #Tehran to have a military presence in the #PersianGulf & the #ArabianSea, warning that any wrong move by #TelAviv will even shorten its life."
"#Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami praised the efforts of young experts of his country’s defense industry who managed to achieve know-how for manufacturing advanced military batteries in the time of #sanctions."
"2020 Democratic presidential hopeful Pete #Buttigieg acknowledged that #USA President Donald #Trump seems to be “deeply confused” about his approach on #Tehran."
"#Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyed Abbas #Mousavi said on Saturday that the #USA excessive use of #UnilateralSanctions and #Dollar as a weapon against other countries has undermined #Washington’s credibility in the #World #Economy."
"Governor of the #CBI Abdolnaser #Hemmati said that the recent #USA move to re-impose #sanctions against the #CBI, which has been already sanctioned, proves that #Washington is left with no leverage to pose further pressure against #Tehran."
"Commander of the #IRGC Major General Hossein #Salami said that his country’s armed forces will not allow any war to be dragged into #Iranian territories & that those who are initiating a war in the region will see their country turned into a battleground"
"#Iran's ambassador to the #UN has rejected "certain baseless accusations" repeated by the #USA against the #IslamicRepublic's space & ballistic missile activities, saying #Washington is resorting to a “maximum deception” campaign in dealing with #Tehran."
"#Iranian general warns broad response awaits any #USA military move
"LIVE: #Iran says has no desire for war but will defend itself in case of any aggression"
LIVE: Major General Hossein Salami #IRGC Chief Commander
"#Iran has rejected again claims of involvement in #Yemen's retaliatory attacks on the kingdom's heart of oil industry, saying #Riyadh's offensive in #Hudaydah in breach of a #UN truce speaks for itself."
@JZarif "The chief commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (#IRGC) says #Iran will never allow a war on its soil, adding it will pursue and destroy any aggressor who stages even a limited attack on the country."
@JZarif "Supreme Adviser to the Commander-in-Chief of the #Iranian Armed Forces, announced that their people would counterattack the #USA if they conspired against their country, & that the counterattack would extend from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean"
@JZarif #IRGC displays #British🇬🇧, #American🇺🇸 drones seized over #Iran🇮🇷's territory
@JZarif #China🇨🇳 $400bn-investment in #Iran🇮🇷 blow to #USA🇺🇸 pressure policy: Analysis
#Tehran will retaliate if attacked warns #IRGC chief at #USA drone exhibition opening
What #Trump’s Missteps on #Iran Have Wrought
The #UnitedStates has become a hi-tech #Blackbeard.
by Reese Erlich
Threat Hyperinflation at Centcom
by Daniel Larison
Reuters: "#Iran says new #USA #sanctions target #Iranians' access to food, medicine"
The New York Times: "Revolutionary Guard in #Iran Vows ‘Full Destruction of Any Aggressor’"
"#Iranian authorities showed off #US, #UK & #Israeli-made drones they claim to have downed in earlier times, as tensions w/ western powers escalate."
"The #Iranian military displayed its Khorramshahr long-range ballistic missile with a new warhead at a parade dedicated to the anniversary of the beginning of the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war."
"The #Iranian military also showcased domestic air defence system Bavar-373 and missile defense system Khordad-15 as well as 18 other ballistic missiles."
Armed Forces Start Massive Military Parades Across #Iran
#Iran: #Foreign Military in Region Threatening Energy Security, Peace
#Iran Unveils, Displays Different Defense Systems, Missiles, Equipment in Nationwide Parades
"Hunting Vultures": #Iran Opens Expo Showcasing Downed Intruding Drones [PHOTOS📷]
#Iranian Navy Commander: No Worries About #USA Theatrical Coalition in #PersianGulf
#IRGC Navy Vessels Equipped with New Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles
LIVE: #Iranian parl. speaker Larijani addresses ceremony marking Sacred Defense Week
LIVE: #Iranian president #Rouhani addresses ceremony marking 'Sacred Defense Week'
LIVE: Divisions of #Iran’s Armed Forces hold annual parades on 1st day of 'Sacred Defense Week'
LIVE: #Iran's Navy Commander: Iran has made great progress in defense area despite sanctions
#Iran to present ‘Hormuz Peace Initiative’ at @UN: President Rouhani
@UN #Iran's FM: Anniv. of #Saddam’s invasion must be day of peace, not war

#Iranian President Hassan #Rouhani to present #Tehran’s plan for regional peace at the #UnitedNations
@UN #USsanctions hampering #Iran’s environment efforts on flare #gas: Minister
@UN "Iranian President Hassan #Rouhani said Sunday his country is ready to extend a hand of friendship to all neighbours & forgive their past mistakes.Wherever Americans have set foot, they increased insecurity, as it was proved in cases of Afghanistan & Iraq”
@UN @Almasirah_Eng While Democrats have been warning that any strike against #Iran would need to go through Congress, #Trump may be able 2bypass any constitutional restrictions by using numerous historical precedents of presidents taking military matters into their own hands
@UN @Almasirah_Eng 🤨😡
#Pompeo says #US doesn’t want #war with #Iran, claims sanctions help diplomacy
@UN @Almasirah_Eng @HassanRouhani "#France’s foreign minister said on Sunday his country’s main aim at this week’s #UN General Assembly meeting is to de-escalate tensions between the #USA & #Iran & that a meeting between their presidents was not the top priority, Reuters reports."
@UN @Almasirah_Eng @HassanRouhani Al Jazeera English: "Johnson: #UK to consider joining #USA-led military effort in Gulf"
@UN @Almasirah_Eng @HassanRouhani By @southfronteng
#Iranian Foreign Minister: "I'm not confident that we can avoid a war"
@UN @Almasirah_Eng @HassanRouhani @southfronteng The three warlords follow their master😡.
Interestingly, they made no joint statement against the hundreds of civilians killed by the Saudi-led Coalition in Yemen🤔.
Ah, they were always available to provide them with the weapons of crime🤨.
@UN @Almasirah_Eng @HassanRouhani @southfronteng #Iran's military conducts drills near Strait of Hormuz to mark start of Sacred Defense Week
@UN @Almasirah_Eng @HassanRouhani @southfronteng Leader's Top Military Aide: #Iranian Armed Forces Monitoring #USA Moves from Mediterranean to Indian Ocean
@UN @Almasirah_Eng @HassanRouhani @southfronteng Senior MP Asks #Iranian President to Call off Meeting with Johnson over #Britain's Allegations
@UN @Almasirah_Eng @HassanRouhani @southfronteng Army Chief Stresses Failure of #USA Maximum Pressure Due to #Iran's Smart Resistance
@UN @Almasirah_Eng @HassanRouhani @southfronteng "Foreign correspondent Reese Erlich untangles the complexities, analyzes what we face, and what the future may bring."

#Trump Unleashed Crisis in the Strait of Hormuz by Scuttling the #Iran Deal
@UN @Almasirah_Eng @HassanRouhani @southfronteng #Saudi_Arabia Seeks Global Action Against #Iran, But Allies Are Wary.
#Saudi officials to try to hype #Iranian threat at #UN General Assembly
@UN @Almasirah_Eng @HassanRouhani @southfronteng #France, #Britain, and #Germany Blame #Iran for Attack on #Saudi Oil Refineries.
Officials endorse #USA narrative, but call for diplomacy.

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