CIA's Weber: Correct.
Shroff: So according to you, only the Internet is a LAN?
Weber: No, that's not what I said.
Weber: No.
Shroff: What was you job title?
Weber: Developer and then branch chief.
Shroff: As a branch chief did you know the CIA considered this system insecure?
Weber: No.
Weber: I was mostly on Amol's side. I do not think Amol was at zero fault.
Shroff: Oh. I was confused on that after yesterday's direct.
Weber: Amol should have just walked away.
Weber: Yes.
Shroff: But you were not the recipient of being called a bald assh*ole, right?
Weber: Correct.

Weber: I don't see him that much. But yes.
Shroff: But he no longer codes, right?
Weber: I don't know.
Weber: I don't know if I'd call it "notorious."
Shroff: But isn't that what you told the FBI when they interviewed you?
[Note: This is a 302 that at least Inner City Press has not seen]
Weber: I believe that.
Shroff: You don't know but you believe.
Weber: Yes.
Weber: I don't know the number. But there are a lot.
Shroff: Just as we recruit people to access other countries, other countries recruit people to access us, right? Have you heard of Operation Buckshot Yankee?
AUSA: Let's go back to the log files, taken from the defendant's computer.
Weber: Okay...
He leaves. And Judge Crotty calls a break. Stories soon patreon.com/posts/33777032

AUSA Kamaraju: Why did you move them?
Branch Chief: We wanted to keep good developers, get them back to work.
Branch Chief: "Please move to your assigned cubicle."