1. Ensure that funds are available immediately
2. Decision making was critical for execution and that must remain with the CRO and the GCEO
3. SAA would be exempted from Treasury/DPE prescribed hurdles to ensure smooth and timely execution
It was therefore pointless for Jarana to stay.
Crisis was now on an oily and slippery slope. What you are witnessing now was unavoidable.
The BRP was hurried and NOT well thought through
The disruption that resulted from the suspension of SAA reservations by booking agencies was a fatal blow.
This was a result of failure
Loss of confidence as a result was fatal. This is why those conditions were vital. NO turn around should have been started unless they were all met. Otherwise the alternative option of
All of the above were clearly articulated in my presentation to Parliament in Nov 2917. Read Fit for Purpose. Only online at thabangjmotsohi.com
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