Death toll rose to 722 by 7 Feb 2020 (207% more than the entire SARs for mainland China) & growth rate RISING to 14% from 13% of the previous day 🥶🙈
Infection rate slowed to 11% from 14% to 34,546 but the base is higher so this is very fast!

Meaning, at that time, what was the infection & using that to calculate the fatality rate.
On 19 Jan, 201 people infected.
Death/confirmed ratio is rising but modestly:
Feb 7 = 2.09%
Feb 6 = 2.04%
Feb 5 = 2.01%
* # confirmed only those who tested & tested positive so safe to assuming that actual positive much higher
* Still, if we take official confirmed #s & say lag it & calculate then:
722/34,546 (7 Feb) = 2.09%
722/9,692 (30 Jan) =7.4%
622/1,975 (25 Jan) =36.6%
a) How long will China stay under lock-down, as in will people return to work, etc
b) If this lasts longer, what's the impact?