Three elements of Pop Writing:
1) Personal: Write about stories and experiences.
2) Observational: Write about hidden truths.
3) Playful: Make your writing fun with puns and jokes.
Like Pop Music, Pop Writing makes your writing catchy and memorable.
∙ "I saw..."
∙ "I felt..."
∙ "I heard..."
∙ "You've been there..."
∙ "You may have noticed..."
∙ "You've probably seen."
Write about personal experiences.
∙ "I noticed a pattern..."
∙ "Look at this trend..."
∙ "The best-kept secret is..."
∙ "If you turn your head..."
∙ "You don't know this, but..."
∙ "You haven't seen that..."
Write about things that surprise you.
∙ Play with words
∙ Use silly words & phrases
∙ Add sensory words
∙ Storytelling
∙ Jokes, puns & riddles
∙ Add imaginary characters
Bring out the kid in your reader.
It's insightful, descriptive, and funny.
It'll be the first time I share my POP Writing philosophy, which will instantly improve the quality of your writing.
Sign up at the link below.…
But if one of the three pillars is missing, the piece of writing might lack energy.
To make your writing memorable, you need a strong balance of all three — personal, observational, and playful.
You need a balance of personal, observational, and playful.
Here's a list of tools you can use to make your writing POP.