This isn’t just bizarroland for the poor goddess of geology, but for the geology itself.
Galeras, Columbia once produced 40ppb gold, so yes, it’s... technically possible to erupt economic concentrations of gold? But way too dangerous to mine.
1994 NYT:…
It didn’t work.
Even 12+ hours later, there’s a distinct lack of new gold sources, which in context I’m pretty sure would spew. Or spurt.
Let’s say instead of spending hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars on exploration, geophysical surveys, and drilling for new targets, you could just waltz in to Fluevog, drop a few hundred dollars, and develop a new mineral source ANYWHERE.
It’s probably more than that, but these are goddesses and I wouldn’t wish to assume.
But we’re talking about goddesses of geology.
They have asbestos.
Hint: You’re less dense than rock so you’re going to float.
Depending on composition, erupting lava on Earth is on order of 700-1250°C. Gold melts at 1064°C, so we’re looking at Hawaiian-eruption-hot.
Gold & quartz are BFFs, so I’m expect it to be silica-rich, which means bubble-trapping, which means EXPLOSIVE.
We think about surface volcanoes as a reflection of internal geological processes. What happens when surface processes are driving internal geology?
If we’re driving new mantle thermaldynamics, how quickly are we going to be deeply fucked?
San Francisco has better seismic codes than Melbourne.
Australia hasn’t had an eruption since Red Rock, Mt. Napier, Mt. Schank, & Mt. Gambier had a party in 5850-2900 BCE.
Most of the time we need to wait passively for an earthquake.
Now we can trigger eruptions?
Fuck. Yeah.
Which is what we see at spreading zones where upwelling generates new crust.
Y’know, building oceans & splitting continents.
That’s slow enough that we’re not going to jam continents together faster than we’re splitting them up.
What happens if these heat injections fuck with the dynamics of the liquid iron-rich outer core? Y’know, the thing that generates our protective magnetic field?
While many tease dolling up in makeup, hair, & heels is preparing for battle, goddesses of geology need to treat their shoes as weapons of mass destruction.
If all I need to do is toss a pair of heels in my kit to completely eliminate sexual harassment during fieldwork, I am all in. “You harass me, I call forth a pyroclastic flow” only seems fair.
miniskirt + low-cut top + heels = heels
it only makes logical sense that other outfits would produce other outcomes.
A shopping spree at the mall to test this theory is far cheaper than most exploration geophysics surveys.
California would have a lot more volcanoes after the annual AGU meeting in San Francisco in December.
Even a dozen goddesses continuously producing new, easily-accessible sources is going to majorly mess with economics.
Extraterrestrial goddesses of geology.
Moon landing, but with triggered eruptions.
Asteroid landing, but we get a fresh interior sample.
We’re a field where cleavage is a technical term, we lube up drill bits, and geysers exist. Cummingtonite is an actual mineral., and subduction leads to orogeny. You don’t need to stretch.
Pretty? Can’t be smart.
Ugly? Can’t be smart.
Exist? Must waiting be for men to ogle.
@nkjemisin Broken Earth Triology
Perpetual disasters, magic, & minerals.
@Annaleen Future of Another Timeline
Geologically-based time travel.
If they wrote Mr. Creepy, he’d be a villain that’d die in a gold eruption.
Little did we know...
Mr. Creepy was describing a REAL PERSON he ACTUALLY MET and this excerpt is from a NON-FICTION BOOK.
I’m going to need some new shoes.
Maybe basic pump to trigger a decades of oozing mud relentlessly engulfing his bedroom in goo with low economic value?