Number of Laws Enacted:
2019: 0
2018: 0
2017: 0
2016: 0
2015: 0
2014: 3
Missed Votes Ranking:
2019: #2 out of 100 (#1 is most absent)
2018: #29
2017: #18
2016: #3
2015: #7
2014: #19
2019: #72 out of 100 (#1 is most)
2018: #69 out of 100
2017: #72 out of 100
2016: #67 out of 100
2015: #40 out of 100
2014: #6 out of 100
2019: Never
2018: Never
2017: Never
2016: Never
2015: Never
2014: Never
2019: #99 out of 100 (#100 is most liberal)
2018: #99 out of 100
2017: #99 out of 100
2016: #99 out of 100
2015: #98 out of 100
2014: #94 out of 100
Sanders is promising to implement the most ambitious changes to government policy in US history. Without having details about how much it would cost or how to pay for it.
Why do people put so much trust in someone who hasn't accomplished very much?
Lifetime % of missed roll call votes for Senator Sanders:
(Source: govtrack.us)