Introducing him to Vedanta and Indian spirituality ..4/n
World's highest altitude research lab
Cancer Research institute in 1928
Repository of Himalayan languages, arts, mystic traditions, architecture
Research on medicinal plants and minerals of Himalayas
Collaborating with national and international research labs Harvard, Yale, Pasteur Research institute (Paris) ..
Colloborating on emerging research
Publishing papers
Creating repositories
Studying: Archaeology, Geology, lang, earthquake prediction, cancer Research, medicinal plants, scientific efficacy of traditional knowledge
He recorded the regions and culture through paintings,
Collected medical herbs and minerals ..bringing all back to Himachal based research labs
Several hundred journal articles..
1000's paintings
Chemical and Bio labs
UN pact on preservation of arts science institute and historical monuments written by him signed by 28 countries and is named after him
Some distant planet is named after him..
In 2013, his one painting sold for £7,881,250..making it most valuable painting sold at Russian arts auction..
Every painting had Himalayas which for him was symbol of heighest of spirituality and life..
Passed away in 1947..
Him : Nicholas Roerich
Wife: Helena
Son : George
Son : Svetoslav