The book to help women deal with their husband’s sexual sin.
Read it 10 years ago and hated it; I’ll see what I think now.
Also, they talk about how young men masturbate, and this is because they’re boys.
They get female sexuality completely wrong.…
Men need sex. You don’t. You need to understand his need and meet it.
NOTHING about making sex feel good. How sex was designed for you, too. Nothing about women’s sexual pleasure.
But they’re trying to convince women to have more sex.
They didn’t say that it ALSO promises women sexual release.
How about presenting it biblically—as being mutually satisfying and created for BOTH of you? How about talking about foreplay for women? How women have a clitoris? Why only about reducing men’s lust?
But he gives all kinds of stories about how the obligation sex message makes women feel like “human toilets”, and never really deals with this reality.
And then they wonder why women don’t want sex?
God’s design for sex is intimacy, not lust. Don’t blame God’s design when you’re interpreting it wrong.
WHAT ABOUT MEN UNDERSTANDING WOMEN? What about telling women it’s okay to want to be treated well?
So God made men naturally immature? Can we please stop setting the bar so low? Can’t we expect more out of men?
Do they think this type of talk helps women at all?
Do they not see the total irony in that? And how illogical it is?
Very true.
So why, oh, why, dd they spend the whole first bit of the book explaining why men don’t experience sex as relational? How that’s “hardwired”?
Our role is to help strengthen men (and help them defeat lust) so they can be our leaders in the church and the home.
Yep. Not disrespectful to speak up!
She’ll feel betrayed and angry.
And now it’s tempting to blame HER for not getting over it. Her reaction is normal.
(this part is good).
“If your husband is a Christian but has not yet fully repented, he is to be pitied.”
“if you can endure the wait, there is marital joy set before you on the other side!”
Ummmm…what if there’s not?
Also, all these women did and look how great their marriages are! Just have faith!
(what about BOUNDARIES?)
Very bad book. Read Vicki Tiede’s When Your Husband is Addicted to Porn instead.
Which should come first—sex or rebuilding trust? Sometimes sex. You need to make sexual sacrifices for him as his helpmeet. That’s how you defeat lust.
Do they even care about women’s hearts? Does that register at all. Sigh.