Today: Focus on the Family (@Focusfamily) blames the wife for the husband's porn use, showing they do not understand the dynamics of porn and marriage.…
For couples married less than 25 years, the majority of porn use PREDATES the marriage. Men used porn to deal with sexual frustration, stress, rejection, and boredom before they were married. Porn became their coping mechanism.
So he turns back to porn instead of learning how to have great sex with his wife.
Because he always needs different, he must see different women doing extreme things to get aroused.
It is also associated with men demanding degrading or extreme things in bed that she finds distressing. He needs to depersonalize or dominate to get aroused. Intimacy is no longer arousing.
This is commonly known, in both Christian writings and secular research. Why does Focus on the Family insist on blaming women for porn problems? Shouldn’t they know better?…