Our older, southern voters are very conservative. But there are also clear class divisions
Nah. We’re not playing that game in the year of our lord 2020
Met Clyburn this weekend. Great man. Love and respect for him, but he’s absolutely wrong about “free stuff.” He’s been wrong about that as the day is long.
He doesn’t represent Black America. He represents southern, conservative black America.
This was a Black woman saying this about 90+ Black working class people who had just spent 12 hours canvassing for her candidate
I was afforded the luxury of mingling with Black elites. But my working class background was a reminder that we had differing economic interests.
90% of all of us vote for Dems. So, you see issue?
Love them. Meant it. Respect them. Mean it.
But if you haven’t needed food stamps before, we’re not the same
Don’t mean I don’t love you.
That $100 meant everything to me. To her, it was an inconvenience to have to pay us for our labor.