(and for sharing your dispute stats)
On “other explanations,” one important one (mentioned only briefly in the paper) is the impact of the rise of Global Value Chains (GVCs) causing firms themselves to want less trade remedy protection...
With cross border supply chains, an American firm now has its own production (exports) embedded in stuff the US now **IMPORTS**.
A trade remedy (tariff) hurts the foreigner, but some of the COST is also passed back to the American firm through the supply chain.
Paper #1: Emily J. Blanchard, Chad P. Bown, and Robert C. Johnson, "Global Value Chains and Trade Policy," NBER WP, August 2017.
👉🏾 chadpbown.com/wp-content/upl…

Paper #2: Chad P. Bown, Aksel Erbahar, and Maurizio Zanardi, "Global Value Chains and the Removal of Trade Protection," PIIE working paper 20-3, February
👉🏾 piie.com/system/files/d…