@gradymeans1 explains how much the "journalists" missed:
"A potentially brilliant foreign policy strategy unfolded last week during President Trump’s trip to India.
Eastern time.
... Any day of any week, Trump could fill stadiums from Cleveland to Dallas with 100,000 cheering Americans who actually could vote for him, rather than flying a grueling 20 hours to India for affirmation.
Over the past 15 years, the U.S. has allowed Russia to expand influence in the region as a principal arms supplier to India.
All extremely important, but instead we got press coverage of monkeys at the Taj Mahal.
Trump has concluded some successful deals with China, but it remains a serious economic and military rival.
Without question, a triangulation strategy for dealing with China’s ascendance in South Asia and the Indian Ocean would have been on the table.
But, as typically happens, there was vastly more going on behind the scenes.
Many clueless American members of the press will never understand why."
~ End ~
He served in the White House as a policy assistant to Vice President Nelson Rockefeller.
The press misses so much these days, it's good to see behind the scenes. ~ O