What are the opportunities in consumer social today?
Some thoughts on the above, plus specific ideas & requests for consumer social startups 👇
1/ FB isn't vulnerable, but they can't nail everything, no matter how hard they try.
Plus, people will have 5+ social networks for different use cases.
2/ New social networks are created every decade.
1/ Teens drive culture—They don't want to listen to their parents music; They don't want their parents social network.
2/ Status—Fewer opportunities to gain status on mature platforms. You're never gonna get more followers than Kim K.
FB has also become more passive. FB's own research shows that ppl are most fulfilled when they participate actively
"Participatory Social" (e.g. Robolox, Fortnight, Discord)
Changes in degree became changes in type. FB is a fundamentally different product than it used to be.
This creates opportunity for new networks.
Earlier generations used to explore & wander IRL when they were younger.
Today's sheltered kids need to use digital outlets to construct & make up their own realities.
Everything is public now.
Partly due to outrage culture & "social highlight reels", there's a big pendulum swing back to private networks.
The hope is that private networks will increase authenticity, vulnerability, meaning, & connection--which many users complain are missing today.
So where to attack?
Go Vertical, Young Man.
Unbundle FB demographic by demographic
Which demographics?
Gamers, moms, comic book fans, fitness freaks, uber drivers—you name it.
Preferably demographics who can pay!
Ask yourself: "what can I build that Facebook or Twitter or YouTube structurally, cannot do?"
Examples: Something that doesn't fit their business model, or doesn't fit their privacy model.
1/ Leverage Real World
FB digitized offline relationships.
Now, communities are IRL-izing online relationships.
every app eventually adds messaging, every app also eventually adds IRL h/t @gregisenberg (e.g. Raya)
2/ Focus less on engagement, and more on truth, depth, & curation.
The engagement arms race has become this zero sum attention war. Find a structural way to opt out of that zero sum game.
Ex: Wirecutter, Product Hunt
3/ Experiment w/ new formats or social mechanics (e.g Snap Stories, FB photo-tagging, Tweet)
Note: It's important that the new format spawns a new graph--new sets of vectors and relationships that incumbents can't copy.
4/ Experiment w/ growth mechanics.
Incentivize users to come to your platform by rewarding people economically & from a status POV for joining early (e.g Bitcoin, cryptokitties).
5/ Study how recent platforms emerged.
What enabled Instagram/Snap? Cameras on every phone.
Ask: "what new capabilities we have now that maybe we didn't have then?"
@rsg has an idea:
6/ Figure out Reputation
Humans need reputation and portable identity
Someone will crack measurable specific high velocity work reputation identity that'll degrade the signaling value of Harvard
7/ Find new data sources or ones that haven't been mined yet and build networks on-top of them.
a/ email
b/ screenshots
c/ podcasts
d/ wearables & health data (exercise, nutrition, moods)
e/ receipts
8/ The tried and true Ev Williams framework:
"Take a human desire, preferably one that has been around for a really long time...Identify that desire and use modern technology to take out steps."
1/ Twitter for Money, or Social Network for Receipts.
Can autogenerate group chats around receipts.
Can create user profiles that express identity based on what people purchase (e.g. support this artist, donate to charity, etc)
2/ Twitter meets Quora:
5/ Stock markets for ideas & things, or 21st century polling company.
If the next big thing will come from what nerds build on nights & weekends, a recession means nerds will have more than nights & weekends to tinker & explore new ideas.