It's always poor, working-class, & already marginalized people who suffer the most—while banks, energy companies & real estate get bailed out. #COVID19
All this is worsened by the fact that our government has been slashing budgets for safety nets while handing bailouts to fossil fuel companies.
Meanwhile, Trump & Republicans are exploiting the crisis to blame scapegoats: immigrants.
We—the Democratic Socialists of America—stand with the working class, poor, & marginalized of our society and demand a working-class solution to the crisis of the #COVID19 pandemic.…
We need to rapidly reorient our society away from the principles of individualism & private profit and toward the principles of justice and solidarity.
Without comprehensive healthcare—free at point of use to all US residents—we can't mitigate #COVID19 crisis or its vastly disproportionate impacts on poor & working-class people.…
If workers are unable to work because of quarantines, they should not be punished for being unable to pay their rent and utility bills.…
In a time of escalating crises like #COVID19, a critical principle of a Green New Deal is to decommodify survival.…
The United States is home to the largest detention system in the world, an unaccountable carceral system with torturous conditions & overcrowding. #COVID19…
The working class has repeatedly bailed out these massive corporations & billionaires that cause capitalist crises.
Enough is enough. Their wealth is produced by workers—they should foot the bill. #Covid_19…

We call on chapters to review this #Covid_19 Resources Guide for Organizers to form demands & identify resources to keep each other safe in this crucial time. Solidarity forever!…