- Govt wants more ventilators to be built & says it will buy every one produced.
- PM has even contacted JCB to see if they can assist. They say research & engineering teams are looking at it.
- One ICU doc said most units have a preferred ventilator model they use.
- So training would be needed if different gear is brought in.
- The machines have to cope with COVID-19 and the "stiff lungs" seriously ill patients are likely to have.
- That means a lot of work for MHRA (regulator) - who will need to make sure machines are appropriate.
- Routine ops postponed & COVID patients moved to theatres to use ventilators there.
- Another ICU doc says the advantage UK has is that NHS is not fragmented like other countries so easier to re-purpose gear.
- Three ICU docs say in normal times they just about cope but the system is close to capacity, especially in winter.
- The service is not equipped for an epidemic though, hence the drive for more beds & ventilators.
- Yes, UK has 7 per 100,000. Italy 12, Germany 29.
- But UK has different admission criteria to ICUs & care is delivered in different ways.
- One ICU doc says UK is more selective & outcomes have never been much worse.
- BMA said we were in a worse state because of funding squeeze.
- One ICU doc said more resource was needed generally.
- A second said every country will be short but we are perhaps in a poorer starting position.