Updated harm reduction advice for people who use drugs and alcohol for #COVID19 (novel #coronavirus) pandemic from @YaleADM, @YaleGHJP, and @CrackdownPod. Adapted w/ thanks from 3D Research document.
(French and Spanish versions forthcoming)

1) Opioids can impact breathing
2) Withdrawal can make breathing difficult
3) Smoking drugs impacts breathing
#COVID19 prevention is critical.


If you have a phone, call someone, preferably nearby, and ask them to stay on the line while you are injecting so they can act or call 9-11 if you become unresponsive.
Let's do what we can to keep one another safe.
(Separate thread later on some policy points)
And thanks to everyone assisting, including @emmabiegacki @jeff_deeney @DrAyanaJordan @DrMelissaWeimer, @gregggonsalves, SWAN New Haven, and others not on here.