10 facts & myth busters!
#1 Social Distancing is not restrictive of social gatherings like malls and movies. We have expanded that to almost any contact outside of family. Each infected person infecting 3 others TIMES 15 will be close to a million infected in 2 wks.
Precautions are important. The best evidenced based precaution is #Handwashing. Virus can last in surfaces and clothing upto several hours. Also hand washing, done properly is as good or better than hand sanitizers.
We live in an era of information flooding. With restricted human contact, most defer to #technology and therefore, more screen time. Use screen time to connect with family and friends, and not overload with information leading to fear. THIS IS NOT THE END
Jeffrey Shaman from Columbia Uni. Published in science the impact of asymptomatic carriers responsible for early dissemination of the virus. Though epidemics DONT spread this way, early viral shedding has been documented, further evidence of Social dist.
Wearing one, unless you are infected or high risk or a health care provider has no clear evidence for use. It is NOT a preventive strategy for #covid. Hand washing IS! Social distancing IS.
This will pass; let us get through this. Some tips for stress relief!