Pneumonia: can be
- Lobar Pneumonia
- Broncho Pneumonia.
Pneumonia kills.
Forget the guys who walk around claiming they have pneumonia.
Pneumonia can't even allow you to walk.
-were killed by pneumonia.
Pneumonia squeezes your lungs into a folded narrow alley that won't admit gaseous exchange.
It is referred to as LOBAR PNEUMONIA. ( Luhyas call it 'lumonia'. )
When it squeezes several lobes in both left and right lungs, it is BRONCHO -PNEUMONIA.

this squeezing is known as INFLAMMATION.
Inflammation is defined as tissue response to any form of injury.
During inflammation, the tissues are trying to be defensive. - to protect themselves (and you) from further damage.
What is a tissue?
I know you forgot your biology.
A group of similar cells is a tissue.
1. Epithelial
2. Connective
3. Muscle
4. Nervous.
A group of tissues become an organ. Eg heart, lungs, kidneys etc.
What is pneumonia?
It is the inflammation of your lungs.
Your lungs are responding to an injury.
By the way, when an inflammation happens, the inflamed tissues become:
1. Red.
2. Painful.
3. Useless. Loses their function.
4. Swollen.
Whenever any part of your body ( external or internal) becomes
1. Red
2. Swollen
3. Painful
4. Useless. Unable to function.
5. Warm/hot.
Just know it is inflammation and it is a good thing because the body is trying to protect you.
How do the lungs respond?
First, they become SWOLLEN with fluid. - Lung reacts by initiating a cough ( a dry cough).
The swelling puts pressure on nervous tissues in the lungs - You start getting chest pains.
Meanwhile swelling continues and now puts pressure on blood vessels injuring them. Then blood leaks into the lungs. You may start coughing blood-stained sputum.
The fluids and blood leaking into your lungs lead to more cough and more production of sputum.
Sputum is phlegm or makohozi.
The sputum is thick, yellow.
By the way, sputum has leaked fluids, dead bacteria and dead white blood cells.
- Swelling
- Redness
- Pain
as the blood continues rushing there with soldiers. The battle gets hotter. Exchange of fire between enemies and white blood cells. 🔥🔥🔥
Radio signals are sent to the brain to alter the thermostat - Fever sets in.
So it becomes fever + chills and then shivers.
The battle is hot 🔥 in the lungs.
Finally, the body announces that the lungs should be shut for now. - Loss of function.
You can't breathe. You gasp.
The lung is losing function in order to stop further damage.
Better if it is lobar pneumonia because the other lung will step in.
If nothing is done at this time.
Eg assisted breathing,
One gasps till choked to death.
- The pain is deeply excruciating.
- The swelling may go on squeezing air sacs.
- Further injury of blood vessels leading to bloody cough.
This is now pneumonia.
You've seen it written Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS).
It is worth noting that,
We rarely suffer ARDS during a respiratory viral infection because,
our immunity is so strong that we fight it off.
- Elderly
- Preexisting diseases eg cancer, heart diseases, asthma, diabetes
- lung fibrosis
- Smokers
Their chances of suffering ARDS during #COVID19 are so high because their ability to fight off pneumonia is poor.
You are safe.
Don't panic.
You will be among the 80% with a self-limiting mild infection.
But, protect the vulnerable by observing @MOH_Kenya instructions.
Don't be scared.
Are we together?
See you later!