sore throat,sneezing and coughing on place
not sure fever
passengers from Italy sits right beside me…
the whole plan has coughing sound through the flight
I am doing the right thing to report myself to a airport medic now
I will do a test of #COVIDー19

seems phones got difficulty to go through…
personally i wish to stay and have test asap.
but i need to respect their decision.
no test
just go home and ring GP for refering to test next morning if i feel
so everything have to repeat itself to b done…
they do give me 2 marks and suggest me to put on to prevent pass the virus to others…
#COVIDー19 Australia,Melbourne air port

they dont know me and dont care what i have to say either
lol why u do this at all if u dont love ur job

But seems like #COVIDー19 test in Australia is limited resource
medics are very cautiously about allowing people to test before dying sympto showing?
Why fever is the determining thing not cough or headache

And yet I was not sent to test for #COVIDー19 virus.
Good luck Aussie! cus we really need it!

So far I am feeling ok
Self quarantined in garage now due to fear of passing virus to room mates...
My nose is slightly blocked.
GP open in 2mins
Call them for test first
Very different from what medics from airport said, They don’t refer virus test anymore!
Just get a national hotline instead or I can go straight to the 5 hospitals in Melbourne for test.
This is chaotic!
i am going to hospital now for applying #coronavirus test
i dont drive and i dont have enough money to call cab to hospital(artist u know)…its a long way
sorry,i have to take public transport and i will wear a mask for all my journey.
airport medic askes me to call gp instead of sending me to test directly.
and now gp askes me to go hospital directly
i think most of people will just not go test with this confusion
i arrived after 12pm last night
nothing is done as “forcing”,just merely a remind which suggesting u stay at home.
I am the only one with mask on…
not sure if its good or now
women in front of me randomly talking on phone about her son having running nose and cough,she thinks her kids is ok so she will just keep her son home...

#COVIDー19 screening in royal melbourme hospital
not “many” in line yet…
but the line has not moved since i arrived 10mins ago
a lot hand disinfectant

majority of them dont have a mask on!!!
i think the hospital should at least give everyone here who feels like #COVIDー19 test a clinical mask.
still waiting before “swabing” test.
just take sample from mouth and nose
test result needed to wait for 3-5 days
no instruction or support on how to do self quarantine if live alone or have no condition for one room with independent bathroom…
its hard
still tons of people are waiting outside

i have not take a shower for almost 3days because of super long flight to Australia and fear of passing the virus,so i could not set a foot at home…
due to only one bathroom in my place, my house mates will face big risk if i share it with them,i decide to move from garage to a renting place where i can live alone
Got some food supply for now & will stay in for #COVIDー19 test result out.

apparently,fresh vege and fruit is not ideal for keeping long,so i have some green avo…
obviously i will pack some multi-vitamin to keep myself up.

just got message from hospital that my #COVIDー19 test result is negative!
but according to the regulation due to my travel history,14 days isolation still need to b conducted.
Its bit confused… does it mean the test may not b 100% accurate?

The test speed is fast,only takes less than a day. (i was told i have to wait for 3 days.)
i got tested noon time yesterday and tested result was sent this morning!
thanks for the hard working medics.
This brings hope and confidence.
about why even after tested as negative,14days self-isolation is still required and necessary!
basicaly the RNA test is not 100% accurate especially if you are just been infected by #COVIDー19.

This is my home for self quarantine time.
Hope my symptoms will disappear soon & my #COVIDー19 test result is accurate.
even bring sleeping bag & will avoid using things here
before move out i will disinfect everything.

feeling ok,slept really well
not many option for breakfast,but oats will do me just fine.
I hope everyone health and safe
stay home ,stay critical!

And yes i will start to make art against ccp bit later.