*there are many people who don't believe in God but are not culpable for doing so
*if there were a God, he'd want a loving relationship with us
*loving God/human relationships are impeded if humans don't believe God exists
*so, God does not exist 7/
But the basic idea remains similar: divine hiddenness seems to present a serious challenge to God's existence, similar yet distinct from problem of evil. 8/ 10/
How might theists respond? A key claim is the existence of nonresistant nonbelievers, who lack religious belief but not because they resist God. One way out is to deny the existence of such people 14/
Michael Rea has argued against this claim in The Hiddenness of God, using the transcendence of God (helpful podcast here 16/…
Best predictor: Low cultural exposure to faith /22…
Though these are two distinct phenomena, they are not unrelated. 26/