There is a law called the “Law of Priority”
which suggests whatever is uppermost in your heart is what you would likely say first.
The first time God spoke to man after creation as recorded in this verse.
1.)He said be blessed. When God blesses a man nobody can curse him.
As recorded in the story of Ballam.
I decree in the name of Jesus Christ be fruitful.
Therefore I decree in the name of Jesus Christ begin to multiply in everything that is glorious.
The name implies a number of things;
1.)The one with all might, all power.
When Abraham invited God in, He agreed and several things happened;
1.)All the prophecies God had given Abraham before that day came to fruition the same day.
In the name that is above every other name after tonight’s service your mouth will be filled with laughter.
He is the Almighty.
Please make Him your friend and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour.
1.)Thank God for His preservation
2.)Father the original blessings you pronounced in Genesis1:28 please pronounce them afresh on me today
3.)Jehovah Elshadai please prove yourself in my life and in my family that you’re more than sufficient.
4.)Father you’re welcome in my home please come&dine.
5.)Every prophecy you’ve directed in my direction please turn them into decrees tonight.Let them be done this very night.
6.)From now on my Father, let it be joy&laughter all the days of my life.