14 days of quarantine: Love in the time of Corona
#extendlockdown #COVIDー19 #Covid_19 #mentalhealth #loveinthetimeofcorona

It doesn’t feel the same
#lockdowneffect #Quarantine #spreadloveinthetimeofcorona
The Pandemic was mostly in Italy and US.
We were laughing how HOD have the most to fear before the holiday
Older age group.
#covid19nfld #LoveInTheTimeOfCorona
A stamp on my wrist
Quarantine 14 days.
Testing was limited and they didn’t want to waste kits.
#covid19 #HealthcareHeroes
I looked at my apartment
I only started my residency two months ago.
I have hardly seen the inside of my flat. I moved here two weeks back.
Just empty space. My room mate had gone home also and hadn’t comeback. Not that I knew her well.
I slump back into my sofa.
What should I do.
Make tea. Of course.
No maid was gonna come.
Home was far away.
I drained my tea and went to the balcony..
It looked right into the balcony of the opposite house.
After staring into space I ended up binge watching some sappy serial.
Should I call someone. Who?
I already talked to my mum.
Ended up messaging my fellow friends in different medical colleges to see if they were okay.
Their balcony was just like 5 feet apart from ours. I could get covid from my neighbours, it is not even six feet, I laughed in my head
I never had time to see who lived beside me
An old man came out.
A- namaste uncle. How are you?
He didn't seem to want to converse. And hurried away opening the windows, removing sheets and looking at me like I might have been the virus itself.
So much for my romantic fantasies. Such bad luck
I was on official holiday and unlike those working from home, I did not have any assigned task.
I had just joined, so studying my course was also not a major concern.
#Covid_19 #lockdown4 #PMModi
I remember watching some webinars.
Aarjay was calling me morning, evening. He really seemed to have a lot of time on his hands. He was with me in the medicine department. Currently he was off duty for the week.
I had already binged watch Netflix. I missed my dog. I danced a bit. Dancing feels good. Makes sense anytime.
Hardly an extrovert I was content to lay in the bed and relax.
I have already binged watch Netflix. I missed my dog. I danced a bit. Dancing feels good. Makes sense anytime.
Hardly an extrovert I was content to lay in the bed and relax.
Little butterflies in my stomach
Slinking out of my bed to see closer. To see more.
Fluffy hair.. earnest but tired eyes. Wearing lowers and a vest lay one of the most attractive man I had seen in person.
I could feel myself gulping.
He turned.
Omg he looked directly at me.
Lunge in my stomach.
He raised his eyebrows. I tried to breathe.
I sat straight up, so he couldn’t see me.
Breathe Aanya Breathe
#lockdownextension #loveinthetimeofcorona
But even that problem was fixed with my broken heart three years ago.
Wise words spoken from experience.😁
Feeling like myself again, I fluffed my hair and went to the balcony.
A- Hi. I am Dr Aanya. Right now under quarantine.
Relief. ( I didn’t give my reaction away)
He smiled
H- Hi. I know.
A- Huh. How??
H- I am also a first year resident in Pediatrics. I have seen you once or twice leavin the hospital
[woah, all these two month this gorgeous person was roaming in the same hospital as me. I didn't even know]
I haven’t seen you in this locality though.
A- Oh, yeah I moved here just two weeks ago.
Should have moved here sooner huh (what are you saying? dumbo)
He raised his eyebrows a little.
As we talked I got to know that his smile was dangerous and that he didn't look so dangerous which was even more entrapping.
A- Who was the old man.
H- Oh just my landlord.
I tried not to talk too much. And make him talk more
He can't find out how weird I am on the first day.
He was still working. Smaller shifts to lessen exposure.
One week work, one week off.
Which was actually very less than a what a first year resident normally spends working.
I was happy, this meant he would spend more time in his apartment.
H-sorry I have to leave for hospital.
My duty is about to start
And in a jiffy. That was it. He was gone.
Damn I didn't take his number.
He didn't take my number.
Didn't he wanna do this balcony meet again?
#PMModi #mentalhealth #shortstory
I calculated...today was a Wednesday. That means he needs to work four days and then he will be as free as me.
It will give ample time for us to get to know each other…
I did what any sensible person with a crush does.
I sat down and opened my facebook and instagram.
I fell my heart fall. He didn’t even tell his name.
I shouldn’t think so much.
Be cool. Aanya. Be cool.
I replayed the conversation in my head.
Was he a player? He must be. Must have girls falling on him.
I didn't like the thought of that.
Does gym probably. Those ripped muscles don’t come from thin air. Oh was he one of those weird gym junkie
At 25, love felt too much like a fairytale.
Listening to romantic songs.
I swayed in my room and then fell asleep watching netflix
I stood in the balcony in what was my attempt at looking like a serene beauty.
The bait was useless. The fish was not even there. Blah.
The whole time glancing at the balcony to see any signs of him
Ugh. Why did I get up at 6.
Does he like animals. Gotta ask him that.
Might be a deal breaker.
I am just having fun
To relax. I have been single for enough time now.
He is just another guy.
One thing that kept me calm was he was just a guy. Not the end of the world.
It was 10 now. No sign of him
I went inside. Reading a novel , slight sun on my face.
Next time I opened my eyes it was 12. I could hear some tak tak , tak tak.
I stood
To see that the noise was coming
From this beautiful man
Standing on the balcony.
#spreadlovenotwar #tuesdayvibes
Hastily I put the wiper down
I went to the balcony
A -Hey ( in a non chalant tone)
H- Hey there sleepy head.
( Is he gonna be so directly sweet???? )
I have been waiting for quite some time.
A -You have ?
This was only the second day
We talked as we had lunch, laughing, he told about his undergraduate years. Showing some pics of how skinny he had been.
He was funny, polite and earnest. Not trying to be cool . he was making me comfortable.
H- Around 80 positive patients are admitted right now. its doubling very fast.
More ventilators should reach in four days.
I wasn’t aware of these updates. I had been happy being lost in my mind.
I could hear crackles in the lung base. By the end of my shift he was confused. Altered mental status. My shifted ended. And I am bit sacred to see how he is now.
A- (only 2:10) why?? ?You will reach within five minutes.
he smiled.
H-Haan but with the handwashing, hazmat suit, face shield. It takes aorund half an hour to get ready. And plus Vineet will have to prep me about the details of the previous shift.
H: you don’t know my name!! He looked at me incredulously You didn’t even ask!
A: you didn’t tell
H: It is Dhruv
A: Dhruv.
Dhruv: what
Aanya: nothing. Chalo see you.
H: Is that a date. ?
A with a smirk:What . no…
Do you want it to be? (I flirted back yes!)
He laughed
D: I am just teasing. Sure. I will come by 10 max.
He smiled
I smiled.
( atleast I thought I did)
Then I melted
That his balcony and mine were only 5 feet apart.
The tak tak noise on the window sounded better than birds chirping
Laughing. at my own thoughts
Do u have a girlfriend. I had almost blurted out before he left.
If adulthood had taught to me brave. It had also taught me to have caution. To take things with a pinch of salt and to remain calm however trying the situation maybe.
D: the old guy died.
He was very quiet.
[I didn’t know if he needed space. Or wanted to talk. ]
A: Um.. shall I leave you alone. You can rest if you want to.
D: I don’t want to sleep alone .
(sleep, what does he mean sleep)
A: I can sing for you.
A: well, not really I just hum to myself. I find it soothing. you can find out for yourself
I sang, tell me pretty lies, somewhere only we know, linkin park songs, in a slow melancholy voice.
The slight wind, the night sky
added to the tranquility.
I have always felt I could feel the emotions and then distance them like I was watching someone else's life.
I wonder if other people did that too.
He had one younger sister in 1st year of medical. He liked football. Barca fan.
I said I have never watched football. He visited Spain after his MBBS. Which I felt was very cool. He went alone.
He had girlfriend of 4 years. They broke up.
We met in first year. She was one of the first girls I had talked soo much to. We were on the same dissection table. Just a roll number ahead of me. I was a shy kid at that time. I was honored that she would like me. I fell for her very quickly
But we were too different. I am surprised it lasted as long as it did. I think she wanted the boyfriend security tag more than she wanted me. Someone to go out with.
Someone to study with.
Someone, so she didn't have to be alone.
She wasn’t the worst. But everything became a hassle. I started to get irritated looking at her.
By the end of second year the puppy love I felt, was pretty much gone.
There is nothing left to prove
No use to deny this simple truth
Can't find the reason to keep holding on
Now that the love is gone, love is gone.
I laughed
Something that is easy to get along to.
Something that is very hard to break.
We ended as MBBS ended.
I only wish I had the guts to end it sooner.
I am happy being single now.
It it doesn't. Let us move on. Indian society doesn't really support that.
Though one thing I feel with ending things, is like you both invested those four years in each other. Was it a waste?
H: haha. U r right, I guess. I don't regret anything though.
We ended up talking till nearly 6 in the morning. The sun was up when we went to sleep.
Quarantine is going good. Actually.
I seem to work out more, and since nobody is taking me out. I even made banana bread. So insta chic. :D
I have been dancing more.
Video called my family. Talked to some friends. No where mentioning the guy.
The five years really flew by I pondered. Just some days ago. I was a school girl, day dreaming and thinking.
And now I was a fully functional earning member of the society.
I went into a deep clean mode today. Which accomplished nothing except that now all the stuff that were disorganized inside my drawer are now lying in piles on the floor.
Well not nothing
Actually, I was looking for ... ahem
Ahem ahem
I found them. hehe
Now I can watch him come inside the home.
don’t judge me. I needed a new hobby. What better for the mental health of single beautiful young female then to feast her eyes on the eye candy that my neighbour turned out to be.
At 24. I have stripped away a lot of my indian society taught niceties and embraced that it was okay to live my life on my own terms.
I was ready for the consequences of my actions but I wasn’t ready for regrets
I can see him, taking out his wallet and keys and sanitizing them.
Removes his white coat.
Ugh. View blockage. Oh he must be coming up.
He shouldn't see the binoculars…
I can see half of him from the balcony. How did god make someone so cute. He is mumbling to himself too
He is taking his shirt off. Should I go? This is too much. I need to give him that privacy.
No no no.
I sheepishly turn around to see him without a shirt.
Oh no.
Now we are looking at each other. He through his window.
I see the outlines of his clavicles. Then his eyes go down to my hand holding the binocular.
I hid in my room
Knock , thunk.
He was hitting my balcony again.
I go out reluctantly and see him standing there wearing nike shorts.
I haven’t seen him wearing shorts for two days, was he teasing me?
I was just looking out. You came at the same time. I didn’t see anything.
D: Give me your number. I don’t want to throw pellets everytime I have to call you.
A: What??
(we are ignoring it???)
D: Your number and we will be even.
As we exchanged phone numbers. I felt happy.
Fourth day going well.
Trying to sit very attractively. I don’t know if it was working.. he was so far.
Crossing my legs like model on a magazine cover
H: Is there something wrong with your leg?.
So much for my sexy posture.
Smiling politely
A: no no
Or stare too long in his eyes.
How do you flirt.
I didn’t do words.
He talked about how he does not come from a medical background. First in the family. That his family is worried to death.
He felt lucky to be able to contribute.
Also, it was so difficult to get a seat in the first place. Apart from the course, the tedious studying, all the reservation and now EWS. He was lucky he felt.
#loveislove #lockdown
Kgmu resident, who came positive was a friend of a friend.
It doesn’t get more real than that.
It felt like a war. Was he ready ? Was he aware of the consequences? He wasn’t sure but there was no looking back.
A: I always had a lot of respect for my profession. But now I feel more humbled than ever.
I have cried once already. Reading about the problems people are facing.
But 5 yrs back I wasn’t dealing with the stressors I had today.]
I ended up crying reading the article on New York times magazine.
I felt so helpless.
I told him about wanting to have my own animal shelter.
D: I will contribute with you on that.
A: Really ?
D: money is pretty limited right now. My father has taken a huge loan for business. But in some years. Sure. Why not?
The charm of metro cities is really destroyed by population and pollution. When I wake up and the air is fresh, the weather is good, I start my car and no horns are killing my ear. No traffic.
It feels so good.
A: Hmmm.
A: Huh?I laughed sure.
Destroying or adding to , I wasn’t sure, the magical ambience of starry lit night at 12. we heard jasmine sanders sing
Somehow it made him even more cute.
Pahadi log.
I waited for his msg.
Beep beep.
open the door the message read . l saw a packet with a note- Date tonight?
Aah. I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.
The note further read.
Place: The famous Balcony
See you in 15 minutes.
Also, fairy lights inside. ;)
[Washed with soap and water. The covers. :)]
I came into my balcony to see his was decorated.
He was wearing a crisp white shirt with dark blue jeans.
I had a weakness for white shirt.
Sleeves rolled up. He looked at me and smiled. Felt my heart flutter
It hugged me in all the right places.
He was almost blushing. (Yay!!)
H: It has only been few days l know, but getting to know you has been my privilege.
[l thought we were being cool]
A: um..
I just wanted to tell you that
even these pretty scary days are looking rosy...
Because of you.
[Is this how love is blind.]
A 92 year old female
She already had diabetes, hypertension..
like most of our old people do .
But she was very chirpy . she said had seen her grand kids , she had played with them, she lived a good life)
Having a person to embrace, those little inside jokes, having good food, playing with your pets
Cooking Together.
These add happiness to every day life.
( the air had become sentimental)
( He listened intently)
Do you cook by the way?
D: I am willing.
He grinned and looked directly into my eyes
l diverted mine
[Danm this guy so obviously flirting]
D: By the way we are kind of like avengers now, right?
He did a superhero pose.
A:Are you showing off your biceps to me??
D: Well I didn’t do gym so diligently to show it to myself.
We both laughed.
A: Waise I am not a big fan of avengers or any other superhero for that matter
Except maybe batman.
D: What? get out of here.
are hardly ever given their dues.
What about plastic?
What about human trafficking?
What about animal cruelty?
Hard questions we avoid so easily.
People in general, don’t want to deal with real problems.
Not to destroy the mood. Just a thought
The kits were limited.
Otherwise I would have been out of this quarantine earlier
They only wanted to test the symptomatic ones.
We even discussed cases and study material now. Listened to songs
Watched movies together using a projector.
Why hasn’t he come?
I peered through the window.
It was our second proper date.
Wearing my cute strapless dress, I was waiting eagerly.
I had started imagining running my hands through his hair. I shook my head.
It was 11:00 now.
What did something happen?
No one picked up. Shall I call my friend? And ask her to go in the covid centre to check if the guy I like.. who is already in the hospital …to see if he is okay
Okay no. I put down my phone.
I tried to distract myself with memes
It was 12:30 now.
I still couldn’t sleep. If he would just message.
I called him again. Click.
Uh. Hi. I was wondering what happened. I was waiting ….
someone else spoke.
Feeling out of place. I said. I wanted to talk to Dhruv.
I am a resident in this hospital currently in quarantine living next door to him.
His voice warmed down considerably. He said oh, hello.
Then he said seriously.
Two cases in ICU died today. And we have put Dhruv's team on quarantine and since Dhruv is showing symptoms he will be tested.
Next morning I was awake at 5,
Could barely sleep.
It could just be a flu.
I hurridly checked my phone
No messages.
D: Hi.
A: Hi ( I nearly cried)
D: So I heard that you talked to Shreyansh. He led out a loud sigh. Umm. So I don’t know yaar
I am scared. I am feverish. And I am tired.
And I didn't even expect this.
But I am positive.
I want to tell you not to worry
I want to tell you to be safe
But my mom and dad are panicking and what do I tell them
I am scared myself.
I listened to him.
His voice was trembling.
(His voice didn't have the confidence he was trying to show.)
A: What do you mean hope? You will, You have to….
D: I will see you later now, my senior is calling.
A: what. Wait.
Phone click.
Extending my arm for support
I kneeled down clutching my skirt.
It was a positive, not a death sentence.
But doctors tend to have this sense of being invincible.
When the Mumbai and kgmu resident became positive,
I felt a tear in that belief,
But now it was torn apart
I sat alone and numb.
Hours passed by. I took a deep breath and started reading all I could about covid 19.
With moist eyes and a heavy heart.
If I gonna help. I will have to be prepared.
I don’t know when I fell asleep
I woke up to see missed calls.
Still feeling lonely, bereft and surrounded by covid whether I am opened the news, facebook or whatsapp. I closed my eyes.
Closed my eyes
I felt very political
In a politician voice I felt like shouting
When my People will have PPE
I will light diyas in the whole city.
Some said it was to keep the general public sane. To uplift morale and keep the hope alive.
I picked up the match and lit a single diya.
All over the world
For all those
Who want to rest
But are working
Lab technician
Shop keepers
Delivery people
Stay Safe
This is for you
Who died too soon.
The grandma who gave up her ventilator
For the young
The doctor who was about to graduate and died
The doctor who was beaten during his duty
I hope you rest in peace.
This diya is for you
I resolved to do my best
I had already been called by my hospital
That my quarantine has ended and I should start working
They needed people
Especially since Dhruv tested positive and around 10 doctors working the floor had been quarantined.
Doctors in India are used to working under pressure
Every three months or so, one doctor gets beaten up. We protest. We go back to work. Life moves on.
to accept that things won't change.
Before you realise it, you start living with it.
I wasn’t accustomed to wearing these N95 Masks. And within five minutes I was all sweaty inside.
I could feel beads of sweat around my nose and lips.
Good that they make us wear this.
It was horribly uncomfortable inside the mask. And I was feeling slightly hot in the suit.
I didn't even realise this problem up till now.
I entered the covid unit. And straight went to his bed.
He smiled. He looked weak.
[How did get it so bad.]
Pit in my stomach.
I got called.
Giving him one last look
I started working.
Working with the whole gown and stuff was also a challenge.
I realized everyone had stuck their names and photos on the suit so it would be easier to recognize each other.
I went to get a marker.
Tomoro I also will stick a photo
I needed help and shouting didn’t help. I finally went to Shoaib. How are you guys communicating?
He said oh. It is your first day back.
He smiled.
He pointed at the board.
They had put sign language for basic communication
And also for emergency like crash cart needed.
Different codes.
Wow. This was cool
I saw a checklist. Ventilators had come.
But right now we had enough. But predicting an impending shortage,
there was a guideline of people with good prognosis and poor prognosis.
In an indian government setup. It is nothing new to not have enough ventilators or ICU beds. But it is a very hopeless place to be. To be the one who has to decide.
By the end of four hours. The patient load had become less. I felt suffocated and wanted some nice cold fresh air.
But you had to save the PPE. Only two hours more.
I went and sat beside Dhruv.
I talked about other things. He was calm. What was the point of discussing it. It will cause more anxiety.
D: It is nice you know. Being taken care by you.
A (Solemnly): How can you joke about this. U look so weak.
I laughed.
A: ok.
[He seemed to be a really positive guy]
How about this, if you die I will immortalize you in a book.
D: You will write about our undying love na??
A: Huh?
( Stunned)
D: Obviously
Our unfulfilled love.
The epitome of unfulfillment.
The love that ended before it could start.
I might never hold your hand and feel it's softness.
He held my gloved hands.
[All those thoughts were making me sentimental.
Some ten eleven days ago
I didn’t even know he existed
I didn’t know who he was
My eyes swelled up
That there is a possibility I never will]
A: The dead leave the alive in misery
[I smiled. Though my eyes didn't.
Dry humour going strong.]
(I playfully hit his head)
A: Enough death talk.
Get well soon and take me out.
As in a date, date.
[ He was teasing but I could see he was red a bit himself. ]
I gave a sarcastic look. (underneath wondering whether this was a wrong idea. He looked so cute blushing )
A: live and find out.
The rest three were positive but asymptomatic.
As I took care of routine patients, took the history, examination, I felt peaceful.
The walls of hospital have always felt like home.
I do well in stress. Except maybe exam stress.
They were selling mast at 10 times the price.
Such atrocity.
I wasn’t against business but this was taking undue advantage.
Already production will increase, medicines were also costlier.
Probably be earning more now
that are being promoted so much.. do they even protect?
I can't tell.
Information on the net wasn't very supportive
The money could have been used for labourers . They could have not cut our wages.
D: It tastes a little bland.
I gave him the look
A: What did you want chocolate cake?
His eyes shifted to my lips. A small blush I looked away.
D: Chocolates would do.
I ended up buying chocolates for him and every other patient.
An uncle said thank you. I love chocolates. After taking a bite he frowned,
it didn’t taste the same anymore.
He looked 45.
What? why?. I thought
A: Have another. Illness does make food taste strange.
It dawned on me.
Covid causes loss of taste
Has he lost his taste.
Surprised to actually see it in a patient.
So many things you read theoretically. Symptoms , signs.. When you actually see it. It hits you.
He looked frustrated and uncomfortable.
A: I will come to check on you soon
It seems not so severe when compared to death but to be hungry and not be able to taste your favourite dishes
The butter gravy and naan
When half my day revolves around food. What will I eat.
How will he enjoy that?
Was it permanent?
D: No
A: Have it.
D: I will
A: Have one now.
D: Why are you nagging me
He took a bite.
D: it tastes good. Thank you. Happy?
A:You can taste it?
D: Yes. Why not
A: A man couldn’t.
Both silent.
Such a little loss compared to losing his life. But we both felt it.
A crash cart
I asked Shreyansh what happened?
S: stay calm. He had asthma, the virus hit his lungs worse than other people, I think
A: he had asthma??
Respiratory distress.
I watched from the sidelines as they intubated him.
I felt myself quiver. Was this really happening.l?
Soon they were shifting him to the ICU.
No. don't think morbid thoughts
I didn’t want to be a crybaby but I could tell my eyes were moist.
Is there something I can do I asked my senior.
Go there. see the new patients,
don’t stay here.
Keep calm.
Deep breaths. I said. Deep breaths.
Not thinking. Mechanically I started taking the history
Jotting down the vitals,
and apparently talking to patients.
Elderly lady : You are crying young girl.
It was tricking down I had not noticed.
I smiled. A: just ignore that
Elderly lady-
You are doing great. God bless you know.
The old lady held my hands, trying to express gratitude.
A: thank you,
I tried to smile.
I didn’t want to go home. But I had to change out of the ppe.
I couldn’t stay there. Without ppe
Sana came and looked at me
A: Can I stay??
I will just sit in a corner. I will shower here.
Sana: Go home.
You have work to do.
A: Please
I wont be able to sleep anyway.
Give me work right now
I am awake. I want to be useful.
I don’t want to be alone staring at his balcony. (mumbling)
I looked down.
A: We were neighbours.
Sana :Come early tomorrow. Go sleep now.
And eat something. You need your immunity.
I nodded
There weren’t a lot of girls in medicine. We had a 1:5 ratio of female to male. I was glad to have her.
Tossing and turning. Crying softly.
Will he die? Was I thinking too much?
Is there nothing I can do.
I turned to the news
Every death reported hit differently.
The news was overbearing.
Did I have a shower??? shit. How could I forget. I couldn’t remember at all if I had one.
don’t be reckless Aanya
don’t play with your life
I showered. Put my bedsheet and pillow case for wash just in case I hadn’t. wiped the floors and shelves.
No improvement. Today . he was still in the ICU. Intubated and sedated
I felt numb.
I couldn’t see patient as a human right now or I would break down. This was my first year as a doctor and I felt thrown into the fire.
The patient info.
And started my rounds.
A young female was there. She must be in her 20s.
A: Hi, you came today?
Patient: Yes.
And I was rushed to the hospital. Could you video call my family? I haven’t been able to talk to them properly since I was admitted.
I check her vitals. Read her history.
She seemed in good shape.
I felt the hair on my back stand up.
I video-called her mother.
As she reassured her mother, her mother looked angst and pale.
I realized a lot of patients and a lot of us will need counselling soon.
The guidelines were changing so fast.
It was tough to keep up.
One person was given the job to put additional and new instructions on the white board so every doctor, nurse, wardboy could see it while working.
Now we are part of history.
The helicopters showered flowers on our roof.
Was it pretty? Yes.
People were moved?Yes.
Must be a good thing if people were touched right? Felt wrong though. Wasted money.
Will it
will it not end.
Will you survive it?
It was foolish to think nothing will happen to you. I realised.
Whole nations and economy were bought down to their knees by something so small we can't even be seen.
How powerful is nature.
I felt like an expendable pawn in a war that had no sides.
But that little was enough o create so much around us.
Like medical knowledge. It is too vast
It can never end.
But whatever little I know
Can still make a difference
For that one patient under me
I frequently looked over at the window to see dhruv. How incredibly alone he must be feeling.
Mostly because the tube is uncomfortable, you are mostly sedated but some patients remember vague memories which somehow feels worse.
Was I too emotional to take care of dhruv. No
I am a doctor first
Calming myself. I convinced the head to shift my duty to ICU
For the next five days.
He was mostly sedated.
I played soft songs he mentioned he had liked.
I also held his hands through those gloves
Nothing like a human touch.
I hope he felt the comfort I was trying to give,
To him
Or to myself
I don’t know.
I checked the amount of breath going in, their consciousness level.
Whether pain medication was still continuing.
Some patients had been given muscle paralytics so that their body doesn't fight against the ventilator.
For all the patients in the ICU.
I think it helped the doctors and nurses too.
Some patients on ventilators were improving and were mostly awake.
A head nurse called me and four other students.
Be kind. Be attentive
She looked at us.
I gave a acknowledging smile.
A: Yes mam.
Taking frequent breaths usually calmed me
But the air that went in due to the mask was moist and warm
Unlike the fresh air that calms me.
Day… I don’t know which day it is anymore.
But his ABG was normal. And he seems to be improving.
I have stopped thinking.
When I walked in the other day I found one nurse crying. It seems the norm now.
That I need to smile. To feel sane.
People smile back
Our head is very good. He keeps us motivated
He gathers us at the end of the shift.
And gives a pep talk
Like soldiers in a war.
Two three suspected cases were doing the rounds.
Since they were not coming we had been told to test them.
It has been a month since I have been in a car of any sorts
The roads...Were empty
The air was fresh
I looked out
And tried to relax.
My friends were talking about the latest vaccine development.
I couldn’t think about that now
Three of us at one door.
All wore hazmat suits
I opened the door . lot of children sprawled out.
I talked about how about their daily life to assess whether they were managing social distancing or not.
Washing their hands or not.
I heard screeching and yelling.
We all three looked at each other and ran.
A crowd had collected.
This guy was being taken by senior
The seniors were shouting that we are just taking him to the hospital.
What you will do to him?
A lady was crying. Please don’t take him away
All through my undergraduate years we have had doctors being beaten by the patient.
Every year there was one major cases and a lot of of minors ones
One has to be prepared for this mentally.
Physically I didn’t know how.
Could you also learn martial arts while learning to be a doctor??
I don’t know
Facing a crowd of 50 from what I could gauge.
Who were angry
And afraid.
And I had always wondered how I would react.
Would I be able to help??
I stood there. My instincts had kicked in when my mind had bailed.
And we rushed to the car.
He started the car and honked loudly driving towards the crowd.
Drivng towards the batch mates.
My seniors were telling us girls to hide.
Honk louder, was all I said.
My senior had left the positive patient now.
I turned to other SR And saw what he was looking at
My eyes widened.
He grabbed my one senior by his hand and kept walking toward us.
All I could yell was bosss.
They all turned
One raised his hand
The stone hitting. Him.
A yelp.
We were near. Just few more seconds
We ushered inside the other three bosses.
They were throwing small pellets,big stones, whatever they could find.
In the car I could see them slamming the window.
We sped away.
I looked at my fellow mates
You are bleeding. Rohan said
I am?
I turned around to see .
One had fainted. All the seniors were injured.
This could not get worse
I was trembling.
Sana hugged me. There were tears in here eyes.
I patted her
And closed my eyes.
The head was horrified to see our condition.
The one who had collapsed was stable.
We were getting bandaged.
All the adrenaline was wearing down and all I felt was fatigue.
As I chugged down cold soda
I felt relaxed
One step at a time.
Then I remembered. Dhruv. In all this commotion I hadn’t checked on him today.
I looked at the Head.
Um. Asking respectfully
Sir, may I go see Dhruv?
He was quiet.
He is awake and has been extubated
I already video called his family.
Hurriedly washing my hands. Wearing my hazmat suit impatiently.
I went in.
I sat down bedside him and cried. Like a dam, that I had built to keep all the water in,had broken. And now all the water was coming out.
He gingerly held my hand
As he tried to say something, he squirmed his face in pain.
I should comfort you.
I involuntarily stroked his hair.
The nurses and my batch mates were watching my emotional reaction.
My ears went red
Not that emotional reaction were uncommon in an hospital.
But not from a resident.
My senior commented that he still had hoarseness in his voice
He was swallowing properly, he could clear enough CO2 and was getting enough oxygen.
He is doing well.
He gave me a understanding look.
I had only gratitude
They may not remember things, they may have psychosis or delirium.
Or be traumatized by the time when they were choking on tubes and we stuck IV lines into them.
PTSD is quite often seen.
Covid wasn't also bereft of its own complications.
Residual lung damage was one thing we had to check for.
But seeing my professors and seniors working, I felt warm. I didn't feel alone in this thing.
Now previous patients were also recovering. Dhruv came out of the difficult phase.
I felt hopeful.
What do you want to do?
Stay in the hospital till your weakness is gone ? We are under staffed but we can see what we can do.
You live alone right. You will need help for at least for four five days. Is there someone who can help?
i blurted and turned red.
My professor looked at me . what.. and then started laughing.
I am going to get a break only. (my duty gap was coming soon)
And we are neighbours, I don’t mind.
Then Dr.Aanya Is more than capable of seeing to your discharge
I will leave you to her.
We checked for all the criterias for discharge.
He teased and left.
Still red.
Dhruv was smiling gleefully but very fondly.
Or that is what I felt.
D: I am not laughing.
I like you.
A: Obviously, you do. I have agreed to take care of you. I am a nice person. why won't you like me.
I shrugged.
He got up from the bed, for the first time in 5 days and his legs gave away.
Me and Shoaib rushed to help him stand.
He walked nimbly..
As Shoaib got him washed. Me , Sana and Akshay got his things ready.
As I got out my hazmat suit and I saw him waiting for me
I realized that for the first time,
we were so close without the balcony, without the hazmat suit.
Just gloves and a mask.
Aanya :Yes
Dhruv: I am falling for you.
A: You just got out of ICU and the hospital. Relax.
D: I just faced death, how can you tell me to relax. Our undying love conquered death.
A: pretty sure. It was your immunity, the drugs, doctors and nurses.😁
I kept walking ahead. He grabbed one of my wrist gently.
D: Do you feel the same? Please give me an answer.
Aanya: Yes
He held my hands as we walked home.
Dhruv: Are we quarantined together.
Aanya: just walk.