On May 7, however, the #DOJ dropped the case against him, saying that when #FBI interviewed #GeneralFlynn on Jan. 24, 2017, the investigation into him was “no longer justifiably predicated.” theepochtimes.com/doj-drops-case…
The stated reason was that @GenFlynn had “ties” to some entities “affiliated” with #Russia, and visited Russia the year before.
On Jan. 4, 2017, William Barnett, an agent managing the Flynn case, drafted a document to close the case, saying there were no more leads to follow. courtlistener.com/recap/gov.usco…
@GenFlynn’s lawyers were never given the #Transcripts of the calls, but the #DOJ said he requested from Kislyak “that Russia avoid ‘escalating’ tensions in response…
The morning of Jan. 4, 2017, #LisaPage, special counsel to #AndrewMcCabe and #Strzok’s mistress, sent an email to then-@FBI General Counsel #JamesBaker. courtlistener.com/recap/gov.usco…
The number refers to the #LoganAct, a 1799 law that prohibits Americans from conducting diplomacy on their own with countries that the US has a dispute with.
“Just an FYI, and as expected, it seems CNN is close to running a story about the sensitive reporting,” #AndrewMcCabe wrote.
Within hours, the #RussianCollusion narrative was imprinted on much of the nation’s psyche.
#Comey blocked the idea of informing the @WhiteHouse of #Flynn's lie. The Kislyak #Transcripts were the @FBI’s information and he had the last word on who gets it, Yates said.
They were not to confront Flynn about any discrepancies or show him the transcripts.
“What’s our goal? Truth/Admission or to—get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?” he wrote down in notes dated Jan. 24, 2017, arguing the team should “rethink” its approach.

His concerns were dismissed. What’s more, @Comey went forward with the interview without consulting or even informing the #DOJ.

If #Flynn wanted anybody to sit in, such as one of the @WhiteHouse lawyers, the #DOJ would have to be involved.
@GenFlynn was “relaxed and jocular” with the agents, “unguarded” during the interview, and “clearly saw the FBI agents as allies,” #PeterStrzok said.
The agents asked again: Did he ask for #Russia to not engage in “tit-for-tat?”
“Not really. I don’t remember. It wasn’t, ‘Don’t do anything.’” he said. courtlistener.com/recap/gov.usco…
“I told the agents that tit-for-tat is a phrase I use, which suggests that the topic of sanctions could have been raised,” he said. documentcloud.org/documents/6885…
Despite previously insisting on the opposite, @Comey was suddenly all for informing the @WhiteHouse of @GenFlynn’s situation.
McCord described McGahn as “shocked” by the news. Flynn was fired 2 weeks later.