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May 15th 2021
I am getting this question a lot from different media outlets: What are Palestinians after, why are they protesting?

Let me try to simplify it in a way people around the world may be able to relate to.


Palestinians want what @NelsonMandela and #SteveBeko wanted: #Freedom.

Palestinians want what #MalcolmX and #MLK fought for: #Dignity & #Equality

Palestinians are struggling for what #Gandhi & #FrantzFanon fought for: #EndingColonialism

Palestinians are struggling for… 2/
Palestinians are struggling for what Simone de Beauvoir & Sojourner Truth fought for: #EndingSubjugation

Palestinians are struggling for what George Washington and Simon Bolivar fought for: #PeoplesRule #EndingAuthoritarianism

Read 6 tweets
Feb 15th 2021
#MalcolmX and the #Arab World, a thread for #BlackHistoryMonth . Based on my "My Heart Is in Cairo: Malcolm X, the Arab Cold War, and the Making of Islamic Liberation Ethics," @JournAmHist

#AfricanaReligions #blkaarsbl #AfAmReligion #BlackLivesMatter #Religion #Black #African Malcolm X with Shaykh Abdel Rahman Tag, head of Cairo’s Al
From the late 1950s until 1965, El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz developed and maintained consequential relationship with Arab and Arab American leaders. His message to them, whether as #NationofIslam leader or Sunni convert, was: Islam requires you to support Black Liberation. Dartmouth student Ahmed Osman and Malcolm X. Credit: Emily O
Arab Americans like Aliya Ogdie Hassen (@saladinahmed 's great grandmother) believed that Muslim unity was necessary for self-determination and human rights. Hassen was the liaison between Malcolm X and the Federation of Islamic Associations.… Aliya Ogdie Hassen, founder of ACCESS.
Read 20 tweets
Jul 3rd 2020
#Hilo 🧵Estados Unidos enfrenta de nueva cuenta los efectos de la tensión racial. Frente a este panorama recordamos que se cumplen 56 años de la firma de la Ley de Derechos Civiles, resultado de largos años de lucha de la población negra, una lucha que sigue vigente.👇 Image
📖 Los historiadores de la lucha por los derechos civiles afirman que la chispa que desataron las protestas fue el pasaje protagonizado por Rosa Parks, el 1 de diciembre de 1955, en un autobús en Montgomery, Alabama, cuando se negó a desalojar la zona reservada para los blancos. Image
👊 Aquel incidente tomó relevancia y la lucha en demanda de que los negros tuvieran los mismo derechos y se pusiera fin al racismo, en especial en el sur de Estados Unidos, fue encabezada por }#MartinLutherKing que pregonaba la resistencia pacífica. Image
Read 12 tweets
Jun 28th 2020
One of America's greatest journalists & editors was Les Payne who, tragically, died last year. For as long as I had the pleasure of working with & knowing Les he worked on a definitive biography of #MalcolmX & finished the draft. His fabulous daughter, Tami, completed it.
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Payne's bio will blow minds: he methodically over decades interviewed Malcolm's childhood & jail assocs, political & IslamicNation cohorts & family to gather fresh insights into his life & murder. Indispensable. #BLM #GeorgeFloydProtests
The book comes out in September, but buzz is already building, as the publisher allows sneak previews. What seemed radical about #MalcolmX in the 1960s appears prophetic & deep in light of #BLM in 2020. Here's a flavor of advance reviews. Image
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Jun 15th 2020
#JusticeForToyin I am so hurt to hear about Ouwatoyin Salau young activist being assaulted and killed protesting and standing up for justice. Who will protect our black mothers, sisters, aunts, daughters, friends? Not just now, but for eternity? #SayHerName #ProtectBlackWomen
"The most disrespected person in America is the Black Woman. The most unprotected person in America is the Black Woman. The most neglected woman in America is the Black Woman" #MalcolmX
We are the mothers of all civilization and yet we still suffer horrible atrocities at the hands of all. Where are our protectors? Who will stand up for Us? When will it end? #ProtectBlackWomen
Read 4 tweets
Jun 2nd 2020
Say every one of their names—Then #SayTheirNames again.

It matters.

Beloved children, spouses, mothers, fathers, friends, co-workers, neighbors.

Denial of racism IS racism
Silence IS compliance

#BlackOutTuesday, no commentary needed—A Thread
#GEORGEFLOYD, 46 —911 call from a grocery worker claiming an attempted forgery.

Responding LEO w/17 previous infractions held him down for 9 minutes by the neck as 2 LEOs assisted & 1 did nothing.

His life drained out of him as he said #ICantBreathe

4 Officers fired—1 charged.
#AHMAUDARBERY, 25—Jogging, hunted down & shot by 2 men while a 3rd videotaped the murder. They claimed they suspected him of a burglary. Homeowner of house being built states nothing was taken.

2 men charged with murder & aggravated assault. Videotaper claims bystander—Pending.
Read 25 tweets
May 30th 2020
I want to take a moment to remind people,

the history of all these types of "movements",

back to the #FrenchRevolution & beyond,

Is one of controlled opposition--#SunTzu, #Machiavelli, #GameTheory--and beyond.

If you don't think they stage all this with outcomes in mind...
Please keep reading.

You'd be better served to look up #Cointelpro, especially in relation to past movements in the Black Community i.e. #MLK #MalcolmX and even #TupacShakur [LINK: ]
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Apr 30th 2020
#thread Communist-led Vietnamese victory over the third(usa) imperialist occupation in as many decades happened today 45yrs ago, the socialist north and the Vietnamese ppl finally liberated and reunified the entire country.
#HoChiMinh, Vietnamese Communist leader passes away several years before reunification, he passes away in Sept 1969. His life story is an amazing one.
#HoChiMinh is a leading figure in the founding of the Chinese, French and Vietnamese communist parties founding.
Read 40 tweets
Apr 27th 2020
The #ZanzibarRevolution was a “lumpen uprising” that was given leadership and strategic direction by the radical socialist / PanAfricanist Umma People’s Party led by #AbdulrahmanBabu. Source:… #Babu  #EastAfrica #BritishColonialism Image
#Babu was close to the Chinese leadership and helped broker the Chinese funded/built #Tanzania/#Zambia railway #TAZARA which helps Zambia overcome transport/economic dependence on apartheid regimes. ImageImage
#Babu opposes 1990/1991 war on #Iraq saying Iraq’s Arab radicalism / nationalism is challenging global US dollar hegemony. Image
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Feb 28th 2020
Los Imperdibles 🧐

Un vistazo semanal a cosas que vale la pena seguir. Nos gusta lo que hacen y queremos compartirlo con todos. 🤓#Imperdibles
1. Cuenta Instagram: @allthesehumans

Nacido en Plutón y de visita en la tierra, este fotógrafo va por todo el mundo retratando a los seres humanos, sus rutinas, sus texturas, sus historias.
Esta cuenta no busca el glamour ni las estilizadas fotografías de revista, sino los gestos de toda humanidad con la esperanza de plasmar la empatía.
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Feb 22nd 2020
👇🏾Here's the link to the public letter several of us are sending to @netflix & the producers & directors of #WhoKilledMalcolmX. You're welcome to sign in agreement with me, @JeanneTheoharis, @drashleyfarmer, Robin DG Kelley, @TheBarbaraSmith, @MHarrisPerry, @DrIbram & many others
@netflix @JeanneTheoharis @drashleyfarmer @TheBarbaraSmith @MHarrisPerry @DrIbram We are disappointed at the complete disregard of women activists & women scholars in the series. The producers went to great lengths to include the perspectives of many men, including those w/o expertise on Malcolm X and/or Black Power. Yet not a single woman scholar was featured
@netflix @JeanneTheoharis @drashleyfarmer @TheBarbaraSmith @MHarrisPerry @DrIbram The exclusion of women scholars is not only deeply problematic but presents a very skewed (& inaccurate) portrayal of history. This is especially disturbing considering the fact that women scholars have been at the forefront of producing scholarship on Civil Rights & Black Power.
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Feb 21st 2020
.@Netflix produced an entire 6-part series on #MalcolmX without any #women scholars. We would like to let #WhoKilledMalcomX directors & producers @philbhere, @Rdretzin, @yoshaylaharris & @Nani_Ife know that #Womenalsoknowhistory. We exist and refuse to be ignored. @wkmxdocseries
Contrary to popular belief, there are many women scholars who are experts on the Civil Rights Movement, Black Power, and Black nationalism. Our database includes many. Here are just a few women scholars you should have asked to add greater depth to your series.
Meet @JeanneTheoharis, a Distinguished Professor of Political Science at Brooklyn College. She is the author of several award-winning books, including 'The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks' (Beacon Press). #Womenalsoknowhistory…
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Feb 21st 2020
It is a somber day for me, remembering how 55 years ago #MalcolmX was assassinated on this day, remembering how Americans did not give Malcolm his roses during his life, remembering how in death Malcolm has been so misused and abused. 1/ Image
Many Americans of all races kept their distance from Malcolm when he lived: scared of him snatching them out of their racial comfort zones. When he died on February 21, 1965, Americans were freed to remake Malcolm as opposed to allowing Malcolm to remake them. 2/
Malcolm X became a larger than life figure AFTER his death. After many Americans falsely framed him as a violent, anti-White, segregationist provocateur in his obituaries. After Alex Haley’s The Autobiography of Malcolm X was published with aspects of Malcolm missing in 1965. 3/
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Feb 21st 2020
Today is one of those days where we’ll see all the phonies, fakers, and frauds profess their love for #MalcolmX, while they go the remainder of the year completely ignoring the many Malcolm X’s, alive and breathing today.
It’s far too easy to pay homage to those who’ve transitioned, because they aren’t alive to hold you accountable for your lack of work, and participation in the struggles they fought and died for.
Meanwhile, the folks laboring in the trenches, carrying on the Black Revolutionary tradition that Malcolm was a part of, are being black-balled by academic and institutional gate keepers, who say they love Malcolm, but would hate him, and his ideas, if he were living today.
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Feb 9th 2020
A thread of King joy.

I hope that it lifts someone a bit.

Weariness tries to deter us, but PLEASE, keep doing good.

We’re not over. Image
Sammy Davis, Jr.
MLK, Jr.

#BlackHistoryMonth Image
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Apr 28th 2019
Husband of musical queen @Beyonce & multimillionaire who gentrified his own hood using #EminentDomain #BarclaysCenter tells others #NipseyHussle was doin the same 2 #Crenshaw & crowd goes wild 🤦🏾‍♂️ I really thought I’d be spending my Sunday differently.
#GentrifyYourHood #JayZ /1
1st the source: A/b 7 yrs ago I 1st saw the documentary #BattleForBrooklyn which talked a/b #JayZ & #Beyonce's role in supporting the Brooklyn Nets #BarclaysCenter I dont think I've been able to fully 4give them 4 it, then again neither has apologized. /2
Gentrification isnt simply “neighborhood improvement” but is SYSTEMIC use of private forces & PUBLIC POLICY 2 forcibly displace low-income & vulnerable residents/biz owners from land & replace them w/more affluent ppl/uses to generate capital returns. Just ✔️ the root word. /3
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Oct 3rd 2018
May Allah reward you @joebradford. The paradigm however is incorrect. Heraclius was a Byzantine ruler of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Elijah Muhammad on the other hand was a Baatini cult leader who promoted himself from Chief Minister to Messenger of Allah. #NOIcontradictions
This indeed is the error made when viewing the #NOI and it's offshoots: instead of seeing them as heretical Baatinis with more in common with Musailima, many see them as simple albeit, sinful Muslims. Yet sinful Muslims do not declare prophethood on one day & Godhood the next!
Moreover, there is no evidence to this day that Elijah Muhammad or his common law girlfriend Clara ever renounced the prophetic claims he made for over 40 years. His own nephew Sultan Muhammad Sr, declared publicly in 1990 that both Elijah & Clara died unrepentant with no shahada
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Aug 21st 2018
At dinner, I learned more about corruption + racism built into society by our masters. A book we discussed (Zinn) was used as part of this "Left" resource's bibliography. I had to share. [A thread]

@BlackSocialists - thoughts on this resource?
It very simply lays out the case that we are all being controlled. It covers hidden history of the United States including their (and, due to the systems created by our masters, our) racism. 

#racism #systemicracism #history
If you haven't been in school for a while (or are in a terrible school), some of the words might trip you up. and are two good resources to help you.
Read 39 tweets
Feb 22nd 2018
Ini ialah perkongsian tentang siapa itu Malcolm X dan apa yang diperjuangkannya.

Malcolm X dilahirkan pada 19 Mei, 1925 di Omaha, Nebraska, Amerika. Beliau merupakan anak keempat dari lapan orang adik-beradik kepada pasangan Encik Earl Little dan Puan Louise Little.
Malcolm X (nama sebenarnya Malcolm Little) telah melihat dan merasakan sendiri prejudis dan sikap rasis orang kulit putih terhadap bangsanya, apabila ayahnya sendiri dibunuh oleh puak pelampau kulit putih (Klu Klax Klan) ketika usianya 6 tahun.
Read 20 tweets

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