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Apr 28th 2023
With the passing of Carolyn Bryant Donham, a chance for justice has sadly faded. Her false accusations against 14-year-old #EmmettTill in 1955 not only led to his brutal murder, but also highlighted the entrenched racism that persists in our…
Emmett Till's story is a reminder of the struggles for justice we still face. That's why I introduced the Civil Rights Legacy Protection Act, to establish penalties for vandalism of Civil Rights monuments, like Emmett Till's memorial in MS—which is still regularly vandalized.
My heart goes out to Emmett's family and all those who have been affected by racism and hate, both before and after his death. We must honor the memory of #EmmettTill and so many others by continuing to work towards a more just & equitable society. May Emmett Till rest in peace.
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Apr 27th 2023
A Master Class in Karma.

We know EMMETT TILL's story, but what ever happened to ROY BRYANT, CAROL BRYANT, & J.W. MILAM - the monsters most involved w/Till's unspeakable murder?

Karma, that's what happened. Karma. Let's take a tour.

#EmmettTill #Karma #CarolynBryantDonham Image
A quick thumbnail: Carolyn falsely accused Till of catcalling. Roy & JW then kidnapped him, beat him (so badly his eye popped from its socket), killed him, anchored him w/barbed wire to a 75lb gin fan, & scuttled him in the Tallahatchie. Image
Roy & JW were arrested. Locals turned against them until Drew, MS became the national white supremacy poster child. Then Drew circled the wagons. W/in a month, the two were tried found not guilty by their peers.… Image
Read 25 tweets
Oct 27th 2022
Facts that you must know about #CarolynBryant Donham- *thread* Fact #1 : From the stand, at the trial of Roy Bryant and JW Milam, she referred to #EmmettTill as a “n***er man”… (cont.) Image
🔴Fact 2: She is NOT deceased.
🔴Fact 3: The night that #EmmettTill was kidnapped, he was taken out to a truck and presented to a woman in a truck and she was heard identifying Emmett.
Read 12 tweets
Jul 2nd 2022
OFFICIAL STATEMENT from @DeborahWattz, cousin of #EmmettTill and our co-founder.
Uncovering this document is the result of our family’s perseverance and steadfast determination in the pursuit of Justice.
READ the entire statement here…
It was during this search, that we discovered the original outstanding physical warrant charging #CarolynBryantDonham (née Mrs. Roy Bryant) along with her husband Roy Bryant and JW Milam with kidnapping. This physical original warrant was never executed in 1955. #EmmettTill
We never accepted closing of this case by the authorities or gave up hope. We have always pushed for full accountability of all those involved in #EmmettTill's murder, who may still be alive. #JusticeForEmmettTill
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Apr 22nd 2022
Critical Race Theory #CRT lesson one:

Your grandparents identify with one of these two groups, and have handed down their values.

Take all the time you need with this. - JJ Westgate #ncpol
Critical Race Theory Lesson #2:

These folks birthed the idea of charter schools. - JJ Westgate #ncpol
Critical Race Theory Lesson #3:

These are the grandparents of the seditionists who stormed the capitol on January 6th. - JJ Westgate #ncpol
Read 42 tweets
Mar 2nd 2022
Yesterday, the U.S. House passed legislation that would classify lynching as a federal hate crime. The bill, named after #EmmettTill, passed on a 422-3 vote, with three Republicans — Reps. Andrew Clyde (Ga.), Thomas Massie (Ky.), and Chip Roy (Texas) — voting against it.

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"The legislation's passage in the House comes more than 120 years after the first federal anti-lynching legislation was introduced by then-Rep. George Henry White, who was the only Black member of Congress at that time."

While we are pleased that Congress is finally acknowledging the terrorism of anti-Black lynchings of the 19th- and 20th-centuries, we know that "hate crime" legislation often serves to expand the reach of the carceral state. There is reason to be skeptical here.

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Jul 6th 2021
@DrPhilGoff @RepKatiePorter 1) 2 extraordinarily important thinkers, who also know how to implement: @DrPhilGoff (Prof at @Yale & founder/head of @PolicingEquity) & @RepKatiePorter. In the decade since we last redistricted US Congress, police have killed at least 1 person in every one of the 435 districts
@DrPhilGoff @RepKatiePorter @Yale @PolicingEquity 2) We've lost political will to legislate national protections against violent racism: "The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act—which would ban chokeholds, restrict the use of no-knock warrants & make some officers personally liable in civil court-remains stalled in the Senate"
@DrPhilGoff @RepKatiePorter @Yale @PolicingEquity 3)The #EmmettTill "Anti-lynching legislation (the 14-year-old Black boy whose horrific 1955 murder roused America’s racial consciousness), still isn't law...cynicism about Congress’s willingness&ability to solve an issue like police violence is not only fashionable but rational"
Read 15 tweets
Mar 16th 2021
#TheBachelorFinale was riveting. @EmmanuelAcho killed it. He guided #BatchelorNation through a straightforward, honest, whiteness-decentered, brave conversation on Black maleness in US. #MattJames @mattjames919 was clear. He and his future children need a woman who gets it. 1/
It makes sense that the first time #TheBachelor is a Black man the season ends with a painful conversation about race. The political construct of #race in the US was built in 1662 to answer the question of interracial children and marriage in VA and MD, respectively. 2/
In VA House of Burgess wanted to solve the riddle: What is status of mixed race children (products of white masters raping enslaved women).

MD Legislature wanted to stop flood of white immigrant women from falling in love and marrying enslaved African men...

#TheBachelorABC 3/
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Oct 4th 2020
Speaking at #AAP2020 Rev @CornellWBrooks starts by illustrating that #EmmettTill #TamirRice & #GeorgeFloyd are the recognized victims of police violence but that the trauma of over overpolicing is felt by whole communities & generations of children.
.@AmerAcadPeds section on Minority Health Equity & Inclusion Chair @DrHeardGarris has described this even more broadly as “vicarious racism”

Similar to secondhand smoke, vicarious racism has real impacts on child health…

Pediatricians have a place to help frame the story around racism & police violence’s impact on child health. @CornellWBrooks cites the impact pediatric providers had on the Supreme Court’s Brown v Board of Education decision.

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Jul 25th 2020
Emmett Till would by 79 years old today, had it not been for that horrible night in the Mississippi Delta in 1955.

Till's brutal murder was not a Southern horror story committed by Redneck Frankenstein. It's an American horror--one that we have seen play out for centuries. Image
As I said in my book, too often when we tell the story of Emmett Till, we "lay the responsibility of [his] terrible fate on the redneck monsters of the South and congratulate ourselves on not being one of them."

The problem is WHY we blame them.
"We blame them to avoid seeing that the lynching of Emmett Till was caused by the nature and history of America itself and by a social system that has changed over the decades, but not as much as we pretend."

In many ways, America is still killing Emmett Till.
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Jun 25th 2020
This is going to be a THREAD about #MeToo, #SpeakingOut and my feelings about making the world a better (AND SAFER) place for women - not only women in the entertainment industry - but for WOMEN. Period. I've got a lot to say and trying to figure out where to begin...
I was raised by a single mom. She had abusive boyfriends for years. I dealt with their physical and emotional nonsense from time to time. I never got really hurt, but I also didn't walk away unscathed. I saw male violence at its purest and brutal.
It didn't take an advanced degree in psychology to know that it was wrong to be abusive. My young male brain immediately understood that no one deserved to be treated that way. This became wired into my moral DNA and has remained there ever since.
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Jun 2nd 2020
Say every one of their names—Then #SayTheirNames again.

It matters.

Beloved children, spouses, mothers, fathers, friends, co-workers, neighbors.

Denial of racism IS racism
Silence IS compliance

#BlackOutTuesday, no commentary needed—A Thread
#GEORGEFLOYD, 46 —911 call from a grocery worker claiming an attempted forgery.

Responding LEO w/17 previous infractions held him down for 9 minutes by the neck as 2 LEOs assisted & 1 did nothing.

His life drained out of him as he said #ICantBreathe

4 Officers fired—1 charged.
#AHMAUDARBERY, 25—Jogging, hunted down & shot by 2 men while a 3rd videotaped the murder. They claimed they suspected him of a burglary. Homeowner of house being built states nothing was taken.

2 men charged with murder & aggravated assault. Videotaper claims bystander—Pending.
Read 25 tweets
Feb 14th 2020
Part 2 of @AsianAllies Student Series included honouring the story of 14 yo #EmmettTill & looking at systemic issues that affect Blk folks. Asian students at @MiddlefieldCI were invited to challenge the ways in which they were privileged & consider being an ally for Blk students. ImageImageImageImage
Some @YRDSB students’ comments & questions: We only learn about Western/white histories in History class!? Asians & Blk characters are quickly killed off on TV shows & movies. What kind of Asian are we talking about? The systems have situated Blk folks to face such circumstances!
It was exciting for me & @JoanneTangYRDSB to know that a number of @MiddlefieldCI students were now feeling: shocked, informed & more aware of #AntiBlackRacism. We hope they continue the #asianalliesconvo & take up the responsibility of being better allies.✊🏼💪🏼 #BlackHistoryMonth
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Feb 7th 2020
Many years ago I asked my grandmother and great-grandmothers about their experience during the Great Depression. They both said they were already poor, so it didn’t really affect them. They l were experiencing Jim Crow and knew what they had to do to survive.
For them, the Great Depression was something that really happened to “white folks” in America.

When I see the acquittal of #BoneSpurs during the #ImpeachmentTrialSham, it’s not anything new.
For a lot of African-American seeing a rich Caucasian man get off for heinous crimes or any crime is nothing new. It’s just new for a lot of “folks.” That’s only a sliver of the injustice and sham trials people of color have witnessed in the USA.
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Aug 29th 2019
On the anniversary of Emmett Till's lynching I thought I'd share this again...

This is Wheeler Parker. I met him at the Grand opening of the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum. He is the cousin of Emmett Till, the 14 year old who was lynched by white men in 1955.
#EmmettTill #OTD Image
Mr. Parker rode down to Mississippi from Chicago with Till. He was also in the house when Till's killers kidnapped him. The doors behind Mr. Parker in the picture are from the Bryant grocery store--the site where Till supposedly flirted with a white woman.
What amazed me was how much joy Mr. Parker still had. He laughed and smiled easily despite the tragedy he endured. It's a testament to his resilience and the audacity of hope.

#EmmettTill #CivilRights #OTD
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Jul 29th 2019
This is some fanmail I got in response to a post I wrote about my visit to the propaganda-infused, Lost Cause- celebrating Jefferson Davis Presidential Museum in #Mississippi. First he starts with the "pro-Confederate blacks" myth. Image
Then he moves on to say that racism is not at the "forefront" of American society today. He says this within a week of a photo surfacing that shows college students in Mississippi posing with guns in front of a bullet-riddled historical marker dedicated to #EmmettTill. Image
And, of course, anyone who says racism is still an ongoing, pervasive, and urgent issue is a.... Democrat 😱! Then he cites the Democratic party platform of the 19th century to further demonize the party and completely ignores the way parties have changed positions over time. Image
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Jul 26th 2019
Still thinking about this. We are shaped in both positive & negative ways by our communities. Two of these men are members of the Kappa Alpha fraternity, a community that hails Robert E. Lee as its “spiritual founder” Their community glorifies a man who fought to defend slavery.
They are also part of broader communities—the University of Mississippi which, until a few years ago, proudly waved the Confederate flag at football games and the state of Mississippi which still has the confederate emblem on its flag.
While these young men made their own choices, knowing what their communities celebrate and then seeing them commit a racist act is...predictable.
#EmmettTill #OleMiss #Mississippi
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