@MacleodFinance Help me out here. I'm reading more and more that "hyperinflation is defined as 50% a month" - but that's *new*.
Years ago when i looked it up i found "economists don't agree on where it starts, but the general line is 10% a month".
I can't remember *EVER* reading about ANY consensus for the decade i've been studying economy and looking up US financial history and general world economic history.
And i'm sorry, but 50% a month is 600% A YEAR!
I'm pretty sure the common man isn't gonna wait that long.
IMO this is just another warping of the economic language by the establishment.
Hyperinflation *cannot* be defined as having a set boundary, because it's largely *psychological* in nature.
LONG BEFORE you lose 50% of your purchasing power a month are you gonna exit the system!
Modern economists would want you believe that reality is shaped according to their theories, but that's oh so ass backwards.
Theory follows reality. Reality is, hyperinflation is a process that starts LONG BEFORE you even reach 10% a month.
It's already here. Today.
The fact that Jerome Powell is relentlessly mocked;
record low confidence in the political class due to both mismanagement for decades;
It's a crisis of faith.
Saying hyperinflation starts at 50% a month is the same as defining the start of the recession 9 months down the line.
>reality isn't the point where economists agree<
It's what happens regardless of their opinions.
So let me again define THE PROCESS of hyperinflation:
It is a 3 step process, nice and easy to follow:
1. Impossible-to-stop inflation.
Everything has a beginning, and hyperinflation begins when a currency's end is inevitable through fundamental reasons. For Weimar Germany, those were the war reparations.
Impossible to avoid, impossible to pay. Then it's just a matter of time.
They printed half a trillion to prevent his prediction.
By the way, i'd already converted my life savings to #silver, #gold and #cash in a 6:3:1 ratio, the day before that report hit. So i've been on point on every single major event since then.
Those "temporary repo operations" were supposed to last until April 2020.
That's how Ray Dalio said "cash is trash" before the dollar spiked from 99 to 104 and ol' Ray lost alotta money (i called that top too btw)
What the financial space WAS expecting, was another great financial crisis, only worse. And it was timed; When the Fed would withdraw repo.
So in January, what the timeline was a reduction in Repo in April, ignored warnings in May/June, and an inevitable stock market crash in July: Withdraw and crash, or extend the repo operations too long, people start questioning "Temporary", and the crash happens anyway.
Ray wasn't wrong - just complacent. That's why black swans are called black swans.
It's not that they don't exist. Australia's full of em. It's just that everybody's *so used* to the current paradigm, no one looks further.
The info is seen, but ignored. Judged unimportant.
Well, we know the virus and the monetary response. Not too long after Repo operations completely vanished because QE is the better deal, and at a trillion *per month*; It eclipsed the $60B QE4: Not QE anyway.
The US has >gone through< the first phase of hyperinflation.
The first phase lasted from 16th of September 2019 to the 9th-11th of November 2020.
This is the "Fundamentals" phase, where inflation can't be stopped, but it's still constrained by supply-demand laws.
I have proof ofcourse. The Fed was always gonna change the measures.
In March, M1 and M2 still went up equally. M1 is circulating currency, while M2 is currency and liquid assets that easily get converted to currency.
It is *NO* coincidence they changed their measure retroactively from May 2020, even on the old chart:
One i predicted btw. Added 2 meme's i made on the 13th (quelle surprise) and 23rd of November, eluding to the "Doomsday Demand" i wrote about in my Shadowcontracts article:
That they hit $GME first doesn't matter. It's still an excess M1 currency symptom
It could very well be that in the future, the "switch moment", where fundamentals flipped to psychology, is defined as "Robin Hood disabling trading GME and other shorted stocks".
The reasons they did that are unimportant.
What *is* important, is that they created a *movement*.
Demand in the supply/demand equation is *always* psychological, which is why it makes S/D so hard to understand. THINK about the word. People "Demand" things to buy, while supply is "dug out of the ground"
This factor is now focused >beyond turning a profit or even survival.<
#WSS might be smaller then #WSB, but infinitely more focused. Tactics are discussed. Strategies considered. New fronts are opened, but >on the same asset; Money. The Silverspace is backing it with experience and intel.
Like inflation couldn't be stopped in phase 1, in phase 2 this movement, this "Doomsday Demand" cannot be stopped, and will only grow.
Jerome Powell's remarks yesterday shows that. He's mocked and rates are going up, despite his ultra-dovishness.
Fed's outta ammo. For real.
Nothing they will do now will work, because every single measure means printing more currency.
While the dollar IS debt, and we're in a *solvency* crisis.
They can do Nothing.
Phase 3 is "Panic". No idea when it starts. Time. A trigger (comex). But the end cannot be stopped.
My comment was that a bloomberg terminal is expensive, but spending rent money on options is no problemo.
But that made me think...
Hang on. I've seen news posts before about how options volume has exploded, even exceeded normal share trading. People are ACTUALLY doing it, i'm not just being facetious here.
Now i don't use options myself, but i *have* looked into them.
So there's some confusion between short volume and short interest. I pretty much made the same mistake the first time around, because believe it or not.... there's just a fuckton of data to track at this point.
So, short volume is NOT short interest, but, it does tell us things.
Very simply put, "what isn't there cannot be traded".
This goes for us, as we're literally buying silver to take it off the market. Whatever's part of "market volume" doesn't include *my* PSLV shares, because i'm not actively trading them.
With 28k on the docket, probably reducing to -19,5k/-20k on the final report, they're about 10k away from their previous high, with today and tomorrow to go to roll over.
Today, the 24th, is of the biggest import.
As i said, the biggest rollover day happens 2-3 days before the end. We just had it.
Under normal circumstances, i would imagine anywhere between 3 to 8k rollover today and then 2-3k tomorrow, putting final delivery around 15k - Quite substantial but probably not enough.
THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE! I say this because i've never done this before; And i wanna see if i can find absolute dogshit at or near the top as good as i find absolute gold at the bottom, based on fundamentals alone.
As you can see, 1,100%+ debt to equity is quite excessive. Combined with my favorite measure, Book value per share, at an eye popping -16.8, i decided to immediately take a closer look. Especially at $32.26 a share! This is no penny stock.
There's more that didn't line up.
Market cap is $9,27 billion, but enterprise value is $20,27 billion. This is quite a spread, and usually indicates undervalue (which is how i got attracted to it in the first place).
However. P/E ratio is 69.91!
Now they can't both be right. There's gotta be a reason.
77 shadowcontracts, meaning +385,000 ounces found and put up for delivery *this month*, before the delivery wall hits in just a few days. Calendar says "last day of delivery 26th of February" - these ounces will be delivered by then
Preliminary rollover of -10,8k which'll go up to ~-11,5k in the final report. I've seen these numbers before and it was expected, the question is, is that gonna happen more?
To hit the previous record of ~16k, they need to shed another ~32k contracts in 4 days.