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Feb 25th 2021
Alright. I promised something shocking, and i'll deliver:


I'm not sure how to call this one since it's part of the Options/Stockmarket bubble, but what isn't at this point.

So for this one, ima go with:

"The Counter-Party Risk Bubble"

I think it's big.
Rather then just tell you (since that usually doesn't work) lemme just talk you through my line of thinking:

It started when i replied to this post:

My comment was that a bloomberg terminal is expensive, but spending rent money on options is no problemo.
But that made me think...

Hang on. I've seen news posts before about how options volume has exploded, even exceeded normal share trading. People are ACTUALLY doing it, i'm not just being facetious here.

Now i don't use options myself, but i *have* looked into them.
Read 25 tweets
Feb 25th 2021
Yknow i gotta comment on this.

@MacleodFinance Help me out here. I'm reading more and more that "hyperinflation is defined as 50% a month" - but that's *new*.

Years ago when i looked it up i found "economists don't agree on where it starts, but the general line is 10% a month".
I can't remember *EVER* reading about ANY consensus for the decade i've been studying economy and looking up US financial history and general world economic history.

And i'm sorry, but 50% a month is 600% A YEAR!

I'm pretty sure the common man isn't gonna wait that long.
IMO this is just another warping of the economic language by the establishment.

Hyperinflation *cannot* be defined as having a set boundary, because it's largely *psychological* in nature.

LONG BEFORE you lose 50% of your purchasing power a month are you gonna exit the system!
Read 26 tweets
Feb 24th 2021



@HustlerHindu reminded me i once said;
"The only thing i fear is US real rates going positive"

We're here.

#WallstreetSilver #Silversqueeze $PSLV #PSLVChallenge #fintwit @WallStreetSLVR @Galactic_Trader
The reason i said that is simple.

"Once real rates go positive, they won't be able to be stopped."

"When real rates go positive the negative rates/gold correlation will break, as it's not causation"

"Rather going up with yields going down, gold will go up with yields going up"
Read 4 tweets
Feb 24th 2021
#Silver #Comex #shadowcontracts #Update!

Nailed it.

Benefit of experience boys. If you were wondering why shadowcontracts continued in Silver; This is why.

They knew.
#silversqueeze #WSS #Wallstreetsilver #PSLV $PSLV #PSLVChallenge #Fintwit @WallStreetSLVR @Galactic_Trader
With 28k on the docket, probably reducing to -19,5k/-20k on the final report, they're about 10k away from their previous high, with today and tomorrow to go to roll over.


Today, the 24th, is of the biggest import.
As i said, the biggest rollover day happens 2-3 days before the end. We just had it.

Under normal circumstances, i would imagine anywhere between 3 to 8k rollover today and then 2-3k tomorrow, putting final delivery around 15k - Quite substantial but probably not enough.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 24th 2021

THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE! I say this because i've never done this before; And i wanna see if i can find absolute dogshit at or near the top as good as i find absolute gold at the bottom, based on fundamentals alone.


As you can see, 1,100%+ debt to equity is quite excessive. Combined with my favorite measure, Book value per share, at an eye popping -16.8, i decided to immediately take a closer look. Especially at $32.26 a share! This is no penny stock.

There's more that didn't line up.
Market cap is $9,27 billion, but enterprise value is $20,27 billion. This is quite a spread, and usually indicates undervalue (which is how i got attracted to it in the first place).

However. P/E ratio is 69.91!

Now they can't both be right. There's gotta be a reason.
Read 25 tweets
Feb 23rd 2021
#Silver #Gold #Platinum #Comex #Shadowcontracts UPDATE!

#Silversqueeze/#PSLVChallenge edition!

With interesting data on $PSLV and $SLV shorts. Data first, analysis below! 👇

#WSS #Wallstreetsilver #PSLV #goldsqueeze #platinumsqueeze #Fintwit @WallStreetSLVR @Galactic_Trader ImageImageImageImage
First the one everyone wants to know: #Silver.

77 shadowcontracts, meaning +385,000 ounces found and put up for delivery *this month*, before the delivery wall hits in just a few days. Calendar says "last day of delivery 26th of February" - these ounces will be delivered by then
Preliminary rollover of -10,8k which'll go up to ~-11,5k in the final report. I've seen these numbers before and it was expected, the question is, is that gonna happen more?

To hit the previous record of ~16k, they need to shed another ~32k contracts in 4 days.
Read 21 tweets
Feb 23rd 2021
Personal health update: Got results back. All clear on the Xray and bloodtests. Nothing.

Got a referral for the stomach, gut and liver specialist to look at my gut next.

But i wanted to tell a story about #Healthcare in the Netherlands #WSS #Wallstreetsilver @WallStreetSLVR
First of all: Pain is no reason for expediency. I'm not even gonna list the empirical evidence for that i'll be here all day.

But, what i wanted to talk about is the conversations i *just* had with my GP and my father.

Ysee, the doctor asked me what i wanted to look at next.
And i said my gut, because if there's nothing wrong with my blood/stomach, then maybe that's the reason why *i can't eat anything*.

I'm on a diet of eating nearly only french fries cause it's the most i can handle.

She said she was worried about that, saying i should vary it up
Read 14 tweets
Jun 26th 2019
⚡️ #YesCCT Coronary Plaque Assessment #Tweetorial ⚡️

By @CoronaryDoc + @AChoiHeart

✅ Why Plaque Assessment?
✅ High Risk Plaque Features
✅ Plaque Characterization/Quantification
✅ Supporting Clinical Data

#CardioTwitter #ACCImaging #SCCT2019 @heart_scct @journalCCT
As #SCD or #MI is 1st symptom of #atherosclerosis in 2/3 of pts, early ID of #CAD is of paramount importance

#YesCCT allows for
✅ ID of plaque
✅ Quant. of plaque
✅ Characterization of plaque
✅ Arterial remodeling

Lin, @LubbDup & @lesleejshaw:
Serial angiographic studies have demonstrated an accelerated & rapid plaque progression before most cases of ACS

Rapid plaque growth ➡️ plaque rupture ➡️ thrombus formation ➡️ MI

@LubbDup & @JonathonLeipsic et al:
Read 14 tweets
Oct 24th 2018
What’s Your “Shear Stress”?

Want to Know More?

Relax & Read ⤵️ #Tweetorial by @CoronaryDoc + @arnavkumar

⚡️Coronary Wall Shear Stress in 12 Tweets ⚡️

Main Readings:
#ACCImaging @ACCCardioEd
Wall shear stress (#WSS) is the frictional force of blood exerted tangential to endothelial surface of vessel wall & expressed in variety of units (1Pa=1N/m2=10 dynes/cm2)

It is derived from
• luminal geometry
• flow rate
• blood viscosity
• near wall velocity values
In vivo WSS calculations are derived from computational fluid dynamic (#CFD) simulations created from reconstructed 3D vessel geometries (from biplane angio/IVUS/OCT/CT/MR) combined with patient-specific pulsatile inlet/outlet velocity values (Doppler wire or other methods)
Read 12 tweets

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