[Quotes/highlights:] “Not coincidentally, Millennial Generation parents were predominantly of the Vietnam Gen/ Boomers & Millennials echoed their parent’s more liberal & mind-expanding drug use.” []
[] “Ecstasy has an hallucinogenic aspect, which distinguishes it, however. Yet it more reliably elicits the opening to love for others & the favorable perceptions of others & sense of unity with them….” []
[] “Raves became an emerging phenomenon following somewhat upon the fading of the disco phase—a decline which occurred in the late Seventies, early Eighties.” []
[] “…though during the Nineties the WWII Generation was in the process of leaving the scene, those elderly of them left were conducting a fierce rearguard battle to save what they could of the culture they knew & created.” []
]“In thr desperation, [the WWII Gen] risked any cost in terms of outlandish scandals, government costs, & loss of social progress & governmental effectiveness. They were helped by a 50s Gen entering retirement with a lot of wealth…”[]
[] “Beginning in 1992, with the election of Bill Clinton, the youth vote swung back to going for the Democrats. There has been an increase in activism & idealism among the young in the last three decades.” []
[] “It is no coincidence that in the peak of [Millennials'] influence as young adults, there was an astounding wave of participation in Obama’s campaign, largely by this cohort, that resulted in the first African-American president.” []
[] “Following that, [Millennial Gen’s] anti-racism came to the fore during the massive & ongoing demonstrations of Black Lives Matter, following the cold-blooded murder of George Floyd in 2020.” []
[] “This group [Millennials] also has fears that the future might not be very bright or as good as it was in times before them, particularly in terms of a ruined ecology due to environmental assault and/or nuclear disaster,..” []
[] “…yet [Millennials], like their parents [the 60s Generation], also are more likely to activism & taking up causes in the face of such dire possibilities.” []
[]“…alcohol & nicotine use could be correlated with a generation that could put a Hitler into power, create a holocaust, & carry out the most destructive war in this planet’s history.”[]
[] “It should be abundantly clear how the use of LSD & marijuana among Sixties youth could correlate with a disgust with normal society & culture & thus the creation, from scratch, of a counterculture, with a pacifism in regard to war,..” []
[] “…with a reemergence of a lived & individual spirituality, with an emphasis on real communication, with an attempt to create real community & relationships, & with much more that has been associated with [the 60s Generation].” []
[] & it should need no explanation how cocaine use could be correlated with a manic economy & irrational, overoptimistic schemes, & failed business ventures.” []
[] “…these drug-influenced perceptions create the worldviews of generations out of which they create their generational cultures—the stark differences of which can fuel culture wars.” []
our modern life is permeated with ways we block out ordinary experience to bring our experience in line with things we hold in our head (left brain).
we decide where to go, & zone out in a car to get there,
thread 2/
then the only experience we allow ourselves is that of being there.
with clocks & appointments & schedules we tell our bodies *when* & *how* it should perform, not feeling (right brain) what our bodies want & need to do in the moment.
[Quotes/highlights:] “…this swinging back & forth of attitudes is mirrored also in the drug usage of these generations: We go from repressive drugs such as alcohol & tobacco with the WWII Generation;” []
This is an excerpt from my new book, *Culture War, Class War 2022: Truth & Generations*
it's about how people say, "the lesser of two evils is still evil."
being used currently, e.g., to promote Jill Stein over any Democratic candidate.
but it's b.s.
check it out>
CW22 LTE/1
“…the Republicans would encourage a narrative in the country & in the social media that goes like this: “The lesser of two evils is still evil.” Which has it that all evil things are equally bad.”
“Say, you had to decide btwn 1 person on a hill being bombed out of existence vs 100 people on a nearby hill getting killed. This thinking on lesser evils being evil would have it that both instances—100 dead versus 1 death—are equally evil.”
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “Some [Fifties Generation members] conformed to & followed the WWII Generation mentality & some others, a lesser number, were radically individualistic free-thinkers & social experimenters;” []