@VigilForHD16 gives us a lesson on group level o-zone - "which is a combination of heat and toxins, and they mostly come from oil and gas operations - and then transportation is the next big one" #copolitics
🔥 This is a one time funding source for this program for 4 years, and a way to track the expected beneficial impact on both #ClimateAction & #transportationequity 🔥 there is substantial data behind why HB23-1101 is vital #copolitics
El Paso County - 6th generation #Colorado is next - a victim of #asthma - who has confirmed with her doctor - that her asthma is caused by #airpollution
She talks about the issue with congestion in her #community & believes that #Transportation is one way to change this #coleg
Another testifier from the pikes peak region says that the bill matches with their #EnvironmentalImprovementPlan and is a step in the right direction to promote innovative projects and gains #ClimateJustice
@Singer4BoCo reports there was a 33% increase in August from the impact of the the zero fair program in RTD & that this bill is good for customers & for businesses & @RideRTD could use funding to con. advertising their services he says VOTE YES on HB1101 #copolitics
#Colorado is super geographically diverse & state infrastructure needs to be #innovative
The recent testimonies were from D57 - from @Velasco4CO 's district!
Another YES request from a testifier who also used to be a #History#teacher & is speaking about how she travels to metro areas depending on how bad the air is she says "all the things we do together - do make an impact... I don't want to wait till we can't breath" #copolitics
SB23-168, "Concerning gun violence victims' access to the judicial system." This legislation gives gun violence victims and survivors the ability to take legal action when firearm industry members violate standards of responsible conduct. We urge support. #copolitics#coleg
The testimony against SB-168 is riddled with misinformation as usual.
Sen. Tom Sullivan erupts in response to testimony by gun dealers shirking responsibility for their products: "What is the profit margin on 4000 rounds of armor-piercing ammunition? What is the profit you need to make that sale?" #copolitics#coleg
Senate Bill 23-170: building on the success of Colorado's "Red Flag" law, this bill allows medical and mental health providers as well as teachers to join law enforcement and families in petitioning the court for an extreme risk protection order. We urge support. #copolitics
Jane Dougherty, whose sister died in the Sandy Hook shooting, testifies in support of the ERPO enhancement bill: "what if all those lives could have been saved?" #copolitics#coleg
Barton High School Teacher - Rachel is here! she is sharing about what's it like being a teacher in a high school where we have #GunViolence & regular #lockdowns & she talks about going from giggling with 9th graders to watching in horror
We are hearing the bill today for ACTION only as we heard tones of testimony last week for #fairworkweek
By passing Fair Workweek legislation, Colorado strengthens its economy and workforce. #copolitics
We are voting on predictable schedules for working Coloradans olordans
Thank you again sponsors @EmilyForCO & @SerenaForCO are wrapping up with the committee - on the importance of predictable schedules & why #workers deserve fair work week
All workers that testified were in SUPPORT of fair work week #copolitics
Here we go folks! Reading HB23-1100 on the floor @lorenaforsenate@NaquettaR intro the bill on the floor this morning
YES on HB23-1100 - it is not a state value to make profit off of immigrants that happen to be brought to a prison because of IGSA contract #copolitics
Alright folks! We heard two racist remarks already!
Rep. Holtorf is pleading that we consider Teller county - where they are making .01% off keeping immigrants in prison who are awaiting immigration cases
Other then Teller County just wanting to make $ off the back of immigrants in a IGSA contractual hosting facility - which has been an avenue to shipping immigrants farther from where they are in the first place
YES on HB23-1100 - END these harmful contracts now #copolitcs