«Ο ισχυρισμός κρίνεται #αναληθής. Τα υπερπολυτελή βαγόνια που απεικονίζονται στις φωτογραφίες δεν αποτελούν το εσωτερικό κάποιου τρένου που ανήκει στον #Βολοντίμιρ#Ζελένσκι. [1/2]
Οι εικόνες προέρχονται από υλικό που κυκλοφόρησε το 2015 από το εσωτερικό επιβατικών βαγονιών που δημιούργησε η εταιρεία #Ukrainian#Railways στα πλαίσια διεξαγωγής διαδρομών με αυξημένες παροχές.» [2/2]
“Are These Before-and-After Pics of the Same Location in Bucha, Ukraine?”
‘Because both pictures are taken from the same location in view of the same buildings and signs; [1/2]
because that location has been identified on the ground as Vokzal'na Street; and because recent photographs match the reconstruction shown in the viral picture, we rate this claim as "True."’ [2/2]
‘The claim that the #Russian#language is older than the Ukrainian language and arose under the influence of the #Polish language does not correspond to historical reality. [1/3]
Tym razem dla podparcia swojej tezy o #nieprawdziwym zagrożeniu #radioaktywną chmurą posłużyła się naturalnym zjawiskiem fizycznym. [2/3]
Podwyższony poziom izotopu Bizmutu Bi-214 jest efektem opadów atmosferycznych i nie świadczy o szkodliwym dla zdrowia promieniowaniu po wybuchu w #Ukrainie.” [3/3]
“#Misleading. While far-right Ukrainian nationalists have used the trident symbol, the symbol is from a millennium earlier, is on #Ukraine’s coat of arms, [1/2]
“AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. #Zelenskyy wore a #military T-shirt that featured the official #emblem for the #Ukraine#Armed#Forces. In its center, the emblem includes Ukraine’s official coat of arms.
The image on his shirt did not match the #Iron#Cross or any hateful symbol, according to historians and #extremism experts.”
Sometimes anti-#Ukrainian#propaganda uses falsehoods – e.g. #fabricated documents or photos, through which it gives a completely new, #untrue context – or simply untruth.
This is the case here. In the post we read that the current Ukrainian authorities "#murdered the #people of #Donbass and #Luhansk due to their #ethnic origin."