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#Ukraine June 20, updates from @escortert.
in two parts
-> PdS1, Dnipro-Donetsk offensive
-> PdS2, Louhansk-Siversk-Avdiivka areas & Background
Here is the PdS2 for today 👇
@escortert 0/n
First, read June 20 part1 (PdS1)
- that's the real June 20 part 1, typing error in the date -
#WarInUkraine D+482 (20/06) PdS2 - Sectors #Louhansk,#Siversk,#Avdiivka & Backstage
1-review of military problems 🇺🇦 🇷🇺
2-review of fronts outside 🇺🇦 offensive
3-brief geopolitical review

The "Katyusha" have it in for us 👇
Read 26 tweets
#Ukraine June 19, updates from @escortert.
usually in two parts
-> PdS1, Dniepr-Donetsk offensive
-> PdS2, Louhansk-Siversk-Avdiivka areas & Background
Here is the PdS1 for today 👇
#WarInUklraine D+482 (20/06) PdS1 - Dniepr-Donetsk offensive

The offensive was not a failure, as it improved les🇺🇦 positions on the entire southern front, but it was placed under tactical inventory.

Hail Caesar! 🇩🇰🇺🇦 8x8 155 mm👇
Time machine,
If you've lost the thread, go back to #WarInUklraine chronicle N°CDLXXXI 👇
Read 15 tweets
🇷🇺🇺🇦 Night strikes of the RF Armed Forces on objects in Zaporozhye

Tonight, the Russian Armed Forces launched blows with Geran-2 kamikaze drones on targets in the territories controlled by the Kyiv regime. Most explosions took place in Zaporozhye. Image
One of the goals was the territory of the Zaporozhye titanium and magnesium plant. On satellite images, the object looks abandoned and is quite suitable for the placement of equipment or other military equipment.
Also, kamikaze drones flew over the Zaporozhognepor plant, where the Ukrainian Armed Forces ammunition depot was supposedly located. Another object hit was the Two Moons Hotel. According to preliminary data, the personnel of the enemy were stationed there.
Read 9 tweets
The foundation of Kyiv Rus

The origin of Kyiv Rus is still not unanimously presented in the works of historians.

The oldest, Norman theory about the emergence of the state of Rus



Read more here
is based on a literal interpretation of the legend of the past years and some linguistic studies and says that the founders of the state of Rus were Varangians, who, led by their princes.

Ukrainian historiography rejects the decisive role of the Normans in the foundation

of Rus, but does not deny their influence on the formation of the state.
Soviet historiography firmly rejected the Norman theory, considering it unscientific and "bourgeois.

" In various modifications, however, it still finds respectable supporters in Western academia.

Read 6 tweets
💥In the Russian cruise and ballistic missiles that attack #Ukraine every day, there are electronic parts produced in the USA, Switzerland, Japan and Germany.
Despite the sanctions, #Russia continues to purchase them through third countries and fake companies.
The majority of the foreign electronic components used by Russia for the production of missiles is produced in the USA - 81%, Switzerland - 8%, Germany - 3.5% and Japan - 3.5%.
In particular, components from such companies as STMicroelectronics (Switzerland), Vicor (USA), XILINX (USA), Intel Corporation (USA), Texas Instruments (USA), ZILOG (USA), Maxim Integrated (USA) and Cypress Semiconductor (USA) are used.
Read 10 tweets
🧵It appears that as of now we have no consensus in @NATO to bring #Ukraine into the alliance, with the conversation having shifted to debating a formula that would provide assurances and support to Ukraine short of membership. These half measures will help, but not enough. 1/8
I won’t go into those proposals, as in my view none offers a clear path forward that Ukraine needs to rebuild after the war. Moscow banks that that the West will not stand up for what it preaches, and that it will push #Ukraine to a settlement that will cede UKR territory. 2/8
We continue to re-debate why #Russia invaded #Ukraine instead of focusing on how to defeat the invasion. And most of all, while govt documents and analytical pieces talk of a new era of great power competition, I have yet to see a clear articulation of what victory look like.3/8
Read 8 tweets
After speaking with my colleagues in center right parties around the world at @idualliance meeting in London, it’s crystal clear conservatives around the world are strongly backing #Ukraine and oppose Russia’s illegal war of aggression.

Who on the “right” supports Russia? 🧵
Russia has been “working the room” for years trying to peel off those on the fringe left (remnants of the anti-war movement) and right (isolationist populists). Paid-for trips, jobs, “agreements” with Putin’s party, propaganda, and disinfo are some of the tools.
Example: Russian operatives have been working the youth wings of European parties to gain a foothold in public discourse.

Who wants a free trip to Crimea?…
Read 14 tweets
Welcome to the daily war thread for Tuesday 20 June 2023.
Can you believe it's Day 482 of #Russia's full invasion?
Each day a new 🧵 with all the important news in one place, updated live.

Already a busy day for #Ukraine's air defenders as #Russia launched drone attacks..
First a quick reminder that the link below is the start of yesterday's thread in case you wish to scroll through at your leisure to catch up on what you missed.

Also don't forget DMs open for tip-offs and stories % donations of coffee welcome too, see bio
Two days ago an enormous cargo plane arrived in #Russia from #Iran.

So no surprise that recent nights of 3-6 drones suddenly became this:

32 Iranian attack drones shot down in the last 24 hours by #Ukraine. But it two managed to get through defences.

#RussiaIsATerroristState Image
Read 10 tweets
Début de l'Agenda 2030 des Nations Unies/The Great Reset la peur&les mensonges après mensonges après misérables mensonges sur un virus qui,à juste titre,peut-on se demander,a-t-il jamais existé?enfermer les gens,les empêcher de voir leurs proches, parents âgés,proches mourants. Image
L'objectif était&est à ce jour non pas de guérir,mais de tuer un mouvement de dépeuplement massif du monde.C'est là où nous en sommes aujourd'hui,avec la divulgation de milliers&de milliers de documents #Pfizer. Image
Read 7 tweets
1/ This @NewYorker piece by Keith Gessen asking “who lost Russia?” is an important read and I highly recommend it. The main takeaway for me is the effect that Western advice and pressures had on sending the entire Soviet block……
2/ into poverty, except for the fraction of their populations that got rich (the two sides of the coin always go together, despite the trickle down illusions of some.) While the worst period, eg in Russia, might have been mostly the first decade after the fall of…
3/ Communism, it left a lasting political legacy of right-wing movements and even fascism. The West encouraged an extreme version of laissez-faire capitalism that was never acceptable in any Western country. The results were predictable and paved the way for Putin.
Read 4 tweets
#Ukraine June 18, updates from @escortert.
in two parts
-> PdS1, Dniepr-Donetsk offensive
-> PdS2, Louhansk-Siversk-Avdiivka areas & Background
Here is the PdS2 for today 👇
#WarInUkraine D+481 (19/06) PdS2 - Sectors #Louhansk,#Siversk,#Avdiivka & Backstage

The rest of the front, off the offensive, is frozen in a war of positions where 🇷🇺 apply ISIS methods!

Leo court👇
Read 18 tweets
This is what an explosion of a "tiny" PFM-1 mine looks like, of which the Russians have dropped hundreds of thousands on Ukrainian forests and fields

In the comments photo

#Ukraine #UkraineWillWin #ukrainian #Russia #RussiaIsLosing #RussiaIsCollapsing
Read 4 tweets
#Ukraine June 19, updates from @escortert.
usually in two parts
-> PdS1, Dniepr-Donetsk offensive
-> PdS2, Louhansk-Siversk-Avdiivka areas & Background
Here is the PdS1 for today 👇
#WarInUkraine D+481 (19/06) PdS1 - Dniepr-Donetsk offensive

Territory retaken by 🇺🇦:
In week 1, 100 km2
In week 2, 15 km2

Conclusion from @TheStudyofWar: "#AFU seem to be marking an operational pause in their offensive"😎

Time machine,
If you've lost the thread, go back to #WarInUkraine chronicle N°CDLXXX 👇…
Read 23 tweets
Une photographie d'une voiture apparemment chargée d'explosifs garée au sommet du barrage ukrainien de #Kakhovka, peu avant qu'il ne cède, apporterait une preuve supplémentaire que la #Russie était à l'origine de l'incident.
1/ Image
L'image, prise par un drone ukrainien et remise à Associated Press, a été prise le 28 mai. Il semble montrer une voiture blanche avec son toit ouvert, révélant de grands barils à l'intérieur, dont l'un semble avoir une mine terrestre attachée à son couvercle.
Un câble part du baril vers le côté de la rivière tenu par les forces russes.

La semaine dernière, le cabinet d'avocats international spécialisé dans les droits de l'homme Global Rights Compliance , agissant en soutien au procureur général d'Ukraine, a déclaré qu'il pensait
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🧵It’s fair to say that @NATO’s military leaders have provided our political leadership with the best military advice on how to implement the DDA concept. It’s now up to politicians to step up and make it happen. What happens in Vilnius will define Transatlantic security. 1/5
This is a moment in history where we either invest what’s needed now, or we will be required to pay orders of magnitude more later when the security environment has deteriorated even more. It’s not just about strategic myopia manifest in some @NATO countries or disbelief. 2/5
It’s about the inability (unwillingness?) to recognize how radically the world has changed. For 30 years democracies have been fed bromides about the “peace dividend,” the “end of history,” “globalization” and “complex interdependence.” Our societies have become disarmed. 3/5
Read 5 tweets
#Ukraine June 19, fresh update from @CedricMas.
1. UKR push slowly along to several distant axis, probes ?
2. RUS mainten pression in Avdiivka and Kreminna-Siversk sectors
3. UKR plan remains obfuscated
Read the thread for details 👇
#Ukraine June 19 (1) Situation update on the morning of the 481st day of the invasion.
Operations continue, as difficult as ever to understand and follow. Image
#Ukraine June 19 (2) The UKR are making efforts on several axes, but without committing troops to achieve significant results.
They are therefore "pushing" slowly on several axes far from each other.
In Bakhmut, for example. ImageImage
Read 15 tweets
#Ukraine #UkraineWar #UkraineWillWin
Zapraszam na Raport Wojenny - dziś dni od 14.06 do 17.06.23
1/ Swatowe - Kreminna
Na północnym odcinku frontu ograniczone działania rozpoznawcze na kierunku Kupiańska. Na środkowym odcinku frontu wojska🇷🇺 atakowały na kierunku Stelmachivki. Image
2/ Na południowym odcinku frontu działania rozpoznawcze obu stron. Walki w lesie na południe od Dibrowy, gdzie działania ofensywne prowadziły obie strony - brak informacji o tych walkach.
Elementy 25.Brygady Aeromobilnej zostały przesunięte na inny odcinek frontu. Image
3/ Odcinek Siewierski.
Dalsze ataki Rosyjskie pod Bilohorivką, Spirne , Wyjimka oraz Wesołe i Rozdoliwką - bez sukcesu dla strony Rosyjskiej. Strona Ukraińska prowadziła działania zaczepne pod Rozdoliwką , zakończone sukcesem. Image
Read 13 tweets
Après 2015,l'#UKRAINE reçoit une aide de plus de 15 milliards du #FMI
L’ #Ukraine️ a fait un défaut de paiement en 2015. @Lagarde avait contourné le règlement Image
Le #FMI accorde un prêt à un pays en guerre pour la 1ère fois de son histoire. Image
Read 6 tweets
"Le Pentagone panique à propos d'une guerre potentielle avec la Chine"il n'y a aucune chance que l'Amérique puisse gagner une guerre contre la Chine Ou si l'Amérique s'engage contre la Chine,comme l'Amérique l'a fait contre le Japon&l'Allemagne&se termine en disant: Image
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Kyiv district court states that decision in Maidan massacre trial in #Ukraine would be announced in September/October. Trial revealed overwhelming evidence that Maidan protesters were massacred not by police but by snipers in Maidan-controlled buildings.…
Despite evidence presented at trial showing beyond reasonable doubt that police did not massacre Maidan protesters, impartial judgement from court’s verdict would be heroic because of directives from presidential administration & attacks from far-right.…
My earlier thread: Overwhelming evidence revealed by Maidan massacre trial in Ukraine shows that Maidan protesters were massacred not by Berkut police but by Maidan snipers in false flag operation to overthrow Ukrainian government. But no media reports.
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Welcome to another week of daily threads on Europe's war. Updated throughout the day (and night) every single day.

It's Day 481 of #Russia's illegal full invasion of #Ukraine.

To review Sunday's thread, click here.
I tempted fate by saying I was hoping for sleep. Soon enough alarms were sounding in the south of #Ukraine.

Suspected cruise missiles launched from #Russia's Black Sea Fleet, and #Odesa has reported explosions. Hopefully it's just air defence.

Good news is just coming in from #Odesa (RU: #Odessa) where it seems to be quiet now.

There were reported to be three targets - all three may have been shot down. I'm not hearing of damage yet.
Read 50 tweets
An interesting tactical #adaptation by the Russians in #Ukraine. Packing an old tank full of explosives and remotely driving it at Ukrainian positions. Of course, nothing new here. 1/10 🧵
2/ The German Army developed and used mini-versions of these during WW2 called Goliath 'tracked mines'. Carrying 60kg of explosive, they had over 600m of cable for remote operation. Image
3/ The Germans used them at Normandy, however they were never a very successful capability. They were slow and too easy to target.
Read 10 tweets
🚨 EXCL: The UK Govt are co-funding technical assistance & continued development of Ukraine's controversial Diia app through the Eurasia Foundation & its 'Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services' (TAPAS). FCDO - Information Rights O...
TAPAS or 'Transparency & Accountability in Public Administration & Services', is a seven-year, $43 million 'anti-corruption activity' in #Ukraine funded by USAID & UK Aid (2016-2024).…
Diia (Дія) meaning 'action' or Держава і Я (State & Me) was first presented in 2019 & officially launched in early 2020.

Most of its now 130 e-gov services were developed from UK & USAID through the Eurasia Foundation who are also recipients of funding from George Soros' OSF. Eurasia Foundation funding ...
Read 10 tweets
#Ukraine June 18, updates from @escortert.
in two parts
-> PdS1, Dniepr-Donetsk offensive
-> PdS2, Louhansk-Siversk-Avdiivka areas & Background
Here is the PdS2 for today 👇
#WarInUkraine D+480 (18/06) PdS2 - Sectors #Louhansk,#Siversk,#Avdiivka & Backstage

Lots of indecisive fighting and unproductive diplomacy

2 🇺🇦 BM-27 Uragan 220-mm MLRS delivering their birds and getting away fast (avoid counter-battery)
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