gill: im here to donate myself
sel: why bro
ebony: so i can be with u every step of the way bro
sel: bro
ebony: bro
hannah: sullen, resentful, bitter
ty: smad
karo: why would my brain release a bunch of dolphins
hiba: why isn't it called medium warm
hiba: like who tf is luke
hannah: we have bigger problems in life
hiba: sure :)
hiba: i never fucked wayne i never fucked drake
ebony: movies?
karo: airplane tickets?
hiba: prostitution?
lise: glasses.
alyssa: my whole life has been a series of mistakes you've gotta be more specific
hannah: hiba go wait outside
karo: *dumbass
karo: wait
gc: hiba
gc: hiba
gc: h i b a
gc: hibatulrahman
gc: HIBA
gc: gay
hiba: yes?
sel: ebony isn't my gf tho????
anna: i didn't mention anyone
gill: i've never experienced that emotion
hannah: who are you thing to fool
ty: i just heard alyssa scream
ebony: me
sel: ... ON A DATE
hiba: actually im sudanese
hannah: sorry i lost my friends can i make an announcement
hannah: *leans into the mic*
hannah: goodbye you little shits
anna: a super mega bitch
gill: if you're gonna talk shit behind my back at least look at my great ass
hannah: im a cool mom
thea: you're not even a mom
hannah: and you're grounded
karo: japan?
alyssa: yeah that's the one
hannah: how high are you
hiba: 164 cm
hannah: i can't believe you just killed karo, hiba, alyssa, and ty
karo: my cute what
ebony: rock
alyssa: math
anna: life
ty: dick
karo: im fluent in spanish too
hiba: im fluent in being gay
jeff: im fluent in roasting people
ty: homiecide
[hannah and 10 others have left the chat]
sel: i've told you multiple times that i don't
hiba: but i didn't say anything
hannah: i saw you typing
alyssa: sometimes i can be uncooperative
lise: can you give us an example
alyssa: no
hiba: but i didn't take my nap yet
ebony: you slept for three days
hiba: i was just testing the mattress
alyssa: about what?
hannah: about us
alyssa: why do you wanna talk about the united states
hiba: you go to heaven
hannah: no like
hannah: do i get your stuff

sel: yeah
sel: you know who else is beautiful?
anna: who? *blushes*
sel: ebony
hannah: can't i smile bc i feel like it
karo: hiba tripped and fell in the parking lot
karo: watching a movie
karo: ps i love you
hiba: i love you too ❤️
karo: that's the name of the movie
hiba: shit
hannah: what baby
ebony: me
ebony: how long have you slept
hannah: 8 minutes
hannah: no
hiba: without me? ;)
hannah: i said im not showering
ebony: aww don't worry they'll come back :)
hiba: Bible Discussion & Study Meeting
alyssa: i like my coffee as dark and bitter as my soul
hannah: ok so white chocolate mocha
gill: per$onality i$ definitely one of the mo$t important thing$
karo: im straight
hiba: so is spaghetti until it gets wet
hannah: boys
alyssa: homicide
thea: *opens capri sun*
hannah: does it affect me
hiba: no
hannah: then suffer in silence
karo: type of what
alyssa: blood
karo: oh red
ty: if anyone asks where i am say i'm outstanding
[ sel and 10 other have left the chat ]