7 years ago, 5 tweets, 2 min read Read on Twitter
CNN has 14 pro-Trump pundits on the payroll, they made made more than 500 appearances in the last three months. 1/ mediamatters.org/blog/2017/10/2…
The network's new "this is an apple" ad campaign tries to attract viewers with stated opposition to Trumpian "alternative facts" 2/
But the network seems to have learned nothing from the Lord/McEnany/Lewandowski disaster. They still pay people to lie to their audience. 3/
The pro-Trump pundits frequently derail the network's panel segments, turning them into shouting matches over the nature of reality. 4/
If you employ 14 people to tell your viewers that an apple is really a banana, it's hard to win an audience for being #FactsFirst 5/5
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