A middle finger.
Schiff says documents were requested from Prince—and they *were*—and Prince starts out by saying, "I don't recall receiving any letter asking for documents."
I did many trial examinations as a lawyer—so I know when a questioner is trying to help a witness. The first thing you do is lead the witness—give them the answer you want in the question you ask.
Rooney leads Prince on *every* question.
"I played no official or, really, unofficial role" in the Donald Trump for President campaign, he says.
This is a lie—and all the available evidence confirms it.
(a) Give them money?
(b) Attend multiple private events with the candidate?
(a) Sure.
(b) Likely not.
(c) No.
*No one in Congress* thinks Prince gave Trump that much money—and advice—and got to meet him for *seconds*.

After all, Dmitriev was *only* there to meet with *other* people.
This sort of BS drives prosecutors—both state and federal—up a wall. Flagrantly false to the point of grave disrespect.
He *doesn't meet strange Russian men before getting intel on them*.
Yeah, that's not how this works—that's not how any of this works. These are lies.

And—Prince underscores—the Emiratis only *maybe* thought he should meet him.
And hey—just for a quick drink!
No one thinks this is the truth.
Wow—a lot to say.
First, this man wants to start a secret, private, international spy agency controlled by Trump and spy stuff isn't his "area of expertise"?
This story has since been picked up everywhere. theintercept.com/2017/12/04/tru…
And I won't waste time with his ridiculous claim that his meeting happening in January means there was no Trump-Russia collusion.
This is a man who *admitted* to being the beneficiary of Hatch Act-violative leaks from the NYPD—about the Wiener case—that *materially affected* the results of a presidential election. huffingtonpost.com/entry/the-dome…
Prince knows feigning ignorance won't cost him.
Note: every time there's something Prince doesn't *want* to say he knew—before Congress, in the Seychelles, at a Trump fundraiser—he pretends he's an oaf.
Any time he pretends to be aloof on an important matter, it's not to be credited.
Shortly after that, the UAE got Prince a meeting with Dmitriev—a Kremlin agent—in the Seychelles.
The connection between the two men isn't hard to see.

Now Prince says he "can't recall" if anyone from that *critical meeting* spoke to him.
Folks, I'm shrugging here.
You have to understand that *no one in the room*—that includes Republicans—thinks he's telling the truth.
Yep, I bet that's the *only thing* that made the conversation memorable: "He's a great guy."

Let that sink in, relative to Flynn and McFarlane developing an international plot to bring nuclear energy to Saudi Arabia using Russian-built reactors (in a no-sanctions U.S.-Russia relationship).
Is that how people are, would you say?

Especially if they're going to be questioned by a seasoned federal prosecutor.
But Prince knows the GOP will protect him.
A paraphrase of this particular lie: "I waved. No—wait—maybe I walked up and said hi. Or maybe I said a few sentences of encouragement."
And maybe it was a bit more than that?

This sort of middle finger is just unacceptable in Congressional testimony. You don't answer this sort of question in this way.

Mere weeks after the UAE made contact with Flynn and (it seems) Kushner.
That's one *major* coincidence too far.
Yes, this sounds like international business to me.
In a children's cartoon.

The answers could be inculpatory—and in the latter case could assist Congress in finding witnesses to what happened in the Seychelles.
This is just one of the 50+ times Adam Schiff telegraphed that to Prince.

Sorry: "remember."
I don't want to pretend we're *actually* discussing what Prince really remembers here.

This way, Prince can pretend the UAE nationals didn't even *know* where the Kremlin agent would *be*.
The reason Prince did just a *seconds-long* Google of Dmitriev, who he was about to meet on the advice of the royal family of the UAE, was...
wait for it...
Prince is a multi-millionaire.
This man has *no* fear of the law.
Prince concedes they talked U.S.-Russia trade (so, U.S. *sanctions*).

Reading this much deceit is exhausting, I'll be honest. I really feel for Adam Schiff, who had to be lied to to his face.

So he changes his *well-remembered quote* to "we."
I'm sorry for the language, but I've now had to read 70 pages of this punk talking and as an officer of the court and someone who *proudly* swore an oath to uphold the Constitution in 2001 it makes me livid to see a witness act this way.

ANY LIE is a crime.
So, to repeat: in December 2016 he "briefly" met Jared Kushner, the president's son-in-law, twice *at Trump Tower* (oh, but "in a hallway"!) when he was "dropping off papers."
*Now*, he's placed himself at Trump Tower, during the transition, twice, with Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon, discussing the UAE.

Anthony Scaramucci.
Who met with the same Kremlin agent Prince did—six days later.
But hey, he's just "an interesting guy from Russia"—yes?)

Now *that's* an odd coincidence.
Seriously, he *said* that.
So here's what happens if you Google Dmitriev, as Prince did (side note: can we just charge Prince with perjury already?):

Yeah—that happened.

(1) "Trump"
(2) "we"
(3) "the United States"
Getting farther and farther away from Trump, isn't it.

To misquote Star Wars: "This deal's getting better all the time!"
I mean Prince's deal being just a Trump "supporter"—with "no great access" to Team Trump.
Oh, friends—I promise you they weren't discussing crochet.
This is the "after-school special" or maybe Care Bear Reunion version of how two major international operators meet illicitly in the Seychelles.
("What do you do?" Prince asked, batting his eyelashes innocently.)

Now all we have is "Stalin" and "we" instead of "Trump," "FDR," and tons of good stuff.
Very, very disappointing.

And he's laid the groundwork for challenging those "illegal" transcripts if they surface.

I wrote about this in HuffPost a year ago, as those lies pushed Comey to write The Comey Letter.

Oh, and it worked.

(And by the way, Prince is lying here: he clearly indicated to Breitbart, just 96 hours before the 2016 presidential election, that he was discussing—among other emails—emails from a State Department address, i.e. Clinton's, and *not* just Wiener's.)

And he was using Russian "deza" just 96 hours before a presidential election, at a time he was a top advisor to the Trump campaign.
Like I said in The Huffington Post, it was a domestic criminal conspiracy.

I appreciate *all* these reactions, as—unlike Prince—they were honest.