Asked about the absence of a serious political challenger/number 2, Putin says it isn't his job to cultivate opponents to himself /1
Record harvest! Sheesh. /4
This ignores that they are already violating several treaties and have in fact been driving an arms race /7
Guess that means core campaign these remains Russia apart from the world/under attack, Putin must restore pride etc /8
This has been Putin's line all year -- yes, so much better to have a system where one man -- like Putin!! -- gets to make all decisions, duh /9
Putin answers this w/ visible disinterest, bored beyond belief. Next! /10
Record harvest, again!
here, Putin, I got the answer to this one:
Language imperialism, so funny! /14
Putin goes on to US is party to Ukraine settlement, despite not being a party to Normandy / Minsk (aka don't blame us) /15
Putin: I suppose that if people want to be independent, it is their right. however, it goes counter global trend where nations unite (what??) /19
Or something /22
.... This is interesting since exact same true of the guys sent to join ISIS /23
Putin compares Russian opposition figures to "Saakashvilis" -- obvi not a compliment in that room. Like clowns. /24
So basically: resistance is futile,
Or chaos /25