That's right folks — the CO Senate Dems are taking you on a field trip to buy some weed.
It's one of many lawful businesses that provide more than 18,000 jobs and $2.4 billion in economic impact here in our lovely state.…
Unlike dealers in prohibition states, lawful dispensaries actually check ID.

Notice the handy labels outlining estimated THC content and health warnings — something you'll never find in a prohibition state.
... or possibly to your fun neighbor, but we doubt they're building any schools with it.

✅ School construction in rural Colorado
✅ Substance abuse treatment
✅ Incarceration alternatives
✅ Behavioral health programs
✅ Pesticide control and regulation…

Black & white Americans use marijuana at about the same rate, but blacks are 4 times more likely to be locked up for possession. The drug war is a racist abomination & must end.…
If nothing else this admin has a sweet pack of joints to make the next @Avalanche game extra entertaining.