#mepolitics #TWPSB #Readthebill #bond2018
I wish everyone would take a step back from positions to notice many of our legislators are not proficient in the basic skills of the job. #TWPSB
1. Have you ever read a federal bill start to finish.
If no, #byefelicia
If yes, then...
2. What did you like/dislike about it and why?
More than what their opinion is, do they seem to understand it? Can they explain it?
If no to any of these, #byefelicia
If yes, then...
3. Pick a bill topic you actually care about and ask above questions.
If they haven't read it, ask them to read something on it an reconvene.
If yes, then...
4. How do you handle conflicts in ideology?
If they cannot give a reasonable answer, #byefelicia
If the answer is reasonable, then...
If the answer is always voting party, #byefelicia
Both sides can make bad law, congress must have individual ethics to remain healthy.
If the answer is conscience, then...
If they only cite watergate level shenanigans, #byefelicia
We need those who can sort the gray, not just handle blatant bad.
7. Ask them what they struggle with. Not just "oh gosh, I work too hard!" - we caught onto that interview answer in 1986.
If their answer is trite, #byefelicia
If not, then...
If they tapdance around this, #byefelicia
If not, then...
If they are no compromise ever, period, then, #byefelicia
We need people who are open to solutions we have not yet come up with & collaboration. Some issues are hardline, but those are rare issues.
10. Start discussing issues/priorities. You need to know if the person you are hiring can do the job before you start discussing work product. Issues ARE important. Skill set is *more* important. There will be people who are skilled & ideologically good.