I'll be going through it and breaking it down on Twitter later.

When you're supporting vulnerable CYP, they're supposed to be the focus of quality of life improvement. Ugh! Basic.
"ROGD" is a nonsense term that this general group of people have invented, and has no clinical support, and no support from anyone doing actual support for trans folks.
"Patients at gender clinics are 6x more likely to [be autistic] than the general population"
This is actually something to worry about - are Autistic trans folks getting support? Not in this scaremongery way though!
activist groups seeking to pursue their own agenda."
I agree. This is why trans orgs doing training (at least in Ireland & NI) talk about how to support young people, not abt political aims.
"Any statistics used must be fully evidenced from national peer-reviewed research"
Most of the references in this document are garbage pseudoscience and those that aren't have been misused.
This is... deliberately twisting. Trans boys usually want to have *equal* access to trousers.
style (clothing, hairstyles, footwear) without having special rules for a
transgender child"
Bollocks. There's always flexibility for different access needs, including disability, cultural differences etc
Actually what there's evidence of is people *who were already trans* coming out as such in school when they see another being accepted. Different.
impossible situation (e.g. that a child has changed sex and is now a boy rather than a girl) to young children."
Again, have you even met young people? They're astoundingly accepting when young.
Actually, this is pretty damn rare and is usually very obvious as it induces gender dysphoria in children who are otherwise not trans.
long-term evidence base to support the ‘transition’ of children, including social
Hmm, nope. Kids have been transitioning for many years, and it's the numbers that are changing.
gender clinics, although historically boys vastly outnumbered girls. This suggests
that parents are beginning to see their little girls as ‘trans’ rather than ‘tomboys.’"
Again, this... no.
Why not all five? But seriously, most (60%-80%) trans young people are also LGB, and ~30% are Autistic, so this isn't as ridiculous a suggestion as you may first expect.
Teenage girls are the biggest users of social media platforms online."
Seeing yourself represented in media: Literally The Worst
adolescents of both sexes on the autism spectrum also tend towards gender
non‑conformity and are over‑represented at gender clinics. >>>
encouraged to interpret their non‑conformity as a sign that they are transgender."
Ah, bullshit. Nope. This is just not true. There's so much in this one paragraph that's just fundamentally Not A Thing that I'm again struggling to word it.
"Children who have troubled backgrounds, have suffered previous trauma or sexual
abuse, have underlying mental health issues or are bullied and don’t ‘fit in’ are also
vulnerable to interpreting these problems as due to ‘gender dysphoria.’"
Also wrong & unsupported.
non‑conformity, and all gender expressions are accepted then it may become clear
that transition is not the only answer for all."
This is actually true. Doesn't stop the trans kids bein trans tho!!!!
about a child’s underlying motives for seeking irreversible medical treatments."
Use of child here is extremely Twisting Reality. No child can access irreversible transition care in the UK.
But this is deliberately vague with that. It's clever, but it's subtle scaremongering.
I see someone has a GCSE Biology textbook. This is just embarrassing tbh.
or skirts for both girls and boys. Lift any hair-length restrictions which are
for only boys. Explicitly apply jewellery, hair and make-up allowances &
restrictions to girls and boys equally"
this is rewording "we're homosexuals not homogenderals" what's even the point
Again, good advice. However, when I'm agreeing with stuff in this document, it's also stuff we advise schools on and have been doing for years!
If they're true, these people obviously need, deserve and should be offered support. However, this *doesn't in any way* delegitimise trans ppl
There is BUCKETLOADS of data saying supporting trans people to transition is the best way, when they want to, to improve MH & QoL.
"Tomboys not allowed - the erasure of young lesbians in schools"
*takes a long, slow intake of breath and sighs*
This is no longer allowed. Transgender training given to schools is telling teachers
that these girls are experiencing ‘gender confusion’ and should be assisted or
supported to self‑identify as boys."
Seriously, I've never seen ANY training or advice that's anywhere near this. Just because some "tomboys" turn out to be trans boys doesn't mean tomboys are being wiped out ffs
stereotypes (sometimes also labelled as ‘butch’) are being bullied, stigmatised,
isolated and..."
yes OK, I agree completely! and...?
regarded as a more positive and fashionable identity."
AH ye fucked it up.
Seriously, since when has being trans in school been cool and not dangerous?
*scratches head*
secondary schools, none of these materials represent young lesbians who reject
Have you been to Northern Ireland? Regularly delivered by & represent butch lesbian staff & volunteers.
How are we doing tonight, folks? <3