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Martin Cooper @mpc_1968
7 years ago, 10 tweets, 7 min read Read on Twitter
1/ A few clips from this week's DExEU select committee. ', Brexit is like removing an egg from an omelette.' Pascal Lamy. @IanDunt @StevePeers @GuitarMoog @EmporersNewC @CoppetainPU @IanaDreyer @Bengoa_Marta
2/ '...the EU and the UK cannot reach an agreement, and the UK leaves the EU at the end of this transition period without an agreement in place. How would you, as a
former chair of the WTO, explain to the British public what that would
mean in terms of trade?' @patmcfaddenmp
3/ 'Thinking about our economy in terms of services, which dominate, manufactured goods and agricultural products, in this WTO scenario, which of those three would you say would incur the biggest impact?' @patmcfaddenmp
4/ 'If we resorted to WTO rules, how would the WTO regard the border between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic?' Sammy Wilson.
'Whatever option you take—either a bilateral agreement/WTO option—the UK exits the EU, which means that NI exits the EU. This *means a border*.'PL
5/ 'In your very wide experience of trade, is there any country in the world that has an open door to all trade with anybody?' @HywelPlaidCymru
6/ Here's the full transcript of the hearing.…
3a/ If you want a more detailed break down on the different modes of services...let the eloquent @SamuelMarcLowe explain all.
7/ Update. Clips on the challenges the UK faces at the WTO extracting their schedules from the EU's CU. I don't think this has ever been tried before? @CoppetainPU @StevePeers .& why third countries will want to know the EU-UK trade regime before they enter into a FTA with the UK
8/ 'You then bump into a very specific twist, which is that in most of these bilateral trade agreements there is a provision about MFN...if we give a higher preference to
another country, this will be given between us' Pascal Lamy. @SamuelMarcLowe
9/ 'In a trade agreement it is the size of the market that makes your negotiating leverage.' Pascal Lamy. Worth remembering the UK is wanting to leave the SM with over 500 million customers.
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