We’ll come to what’s *really* behind these claims at the end. But first let’s take them at face value. Even if accusations of EU cherry-picking had a grain of truth in them, they are a stupid argument on several levels:
a) the UK decided to leave the club, and is negotiating the terms of its departure; the EU did not decide to expel the UK, so it has a certain moral right to decide what terms it offers to a future non-member. The non-member is of course free to tell the club to ‘go whistle’.
(We don’t generally accuse clubs that offer non-members limited rights in exchange for pricey pay-as-you go terms of unfair cherrypicking. “I ended my membership of the local gym; now they want me to pay an expensive day-rate to use their facilities! That’s cherrypicking!”
b) In light of the above, Brexit twats whingeing about EU “cherrypicking” is not going to help the UK in its negotiations. The EU is going to be singularly unmoved, and is not going to change its position because some loudmouth twats on the other side complain of unfairness.
It’s a sad truth of international negotiations (twattish Brexit shysters & those who swallowed their bullshit are now discovering this to their cost) that, once you step outside an established framework of rules & embark on a 2-way negotiation, relative strength matters a lot.
Each side looks out for its own interests. The stronger side can set the terms & decide what is in scope & what is out of scope. The weaker side gets to complain the other side is acting unfairly. If you’re complaining the other side is acting unfairly, you’re not winning...
...and it should be clear by now to most that (despite the initial we-hold-all-the-cards & they-need-us-more-than-we-need-them bluster of many Brexiters) the UK is not the stronger party in this negotiation.
(It’s true that some Brexit twats have their heads so far up the arse of exceptionalist denial & fantasy that they haven’t cottoned on to the actual balance of power in this negotiation yet.)
Anyway, the EU side will not “punish” the UK, in the sense of deliberately offering punitive terms. In the EU view, the UK had a highly favourable deal as a member state (all the benefits of membership plus opt-outs from certain obligations imposed on others & a rebate).
The UK has chosen to give up that status & become a non-member; logically it cannot continue to enjoy the benefits of membership. (These benefits were dismissed during EUref campaign but the govt is now asking to opt back in to many of them, so it knows that they are real.)
As some EU leaders said immediately after EUref: “There’s no need to punish the UK; Brexit is punishment enough- the UK is punishing itself by giving up a great package.” #BrexitShambles #twats
So, based on all that, I don’t think debating whether or not the EU is “cherrypicking” is a particularly useful way of thinking about what is going on. Let’s not forget, also, that the EU has been extraordinarily consistent...
...In terms of what benefits are potentially available to the UK as a non-member, and what the broad options are, the EU is applying the position it said from the outset that it would apply. #BrexitShambles #twats
So, the twattish Brexiters who are now accusing the EU of cherrypicking are either disingenuous (surely not!) or delusional (surely not!)...
#BrexitShambles #twats
...Or (in the case of those Ministers & civil servants who know in their heart of hearts that Brexit is an utter clusterfuck but are trying to “make the best of it” i.e. limit the damage) they are just looking a bit desperate when they say the EU is “cherrypicking”.
But (and I’m finally coming, as promised at the beginning, to what is really going on here) that doesn’t mean that all those who are disingenuously complaining in the media about “EU cherrypicking” are necessarily stupid...

Their message of complaint about “EU cherrypicking” is not really aimed at the EU; it is aimed at UK public opinion...

As I & numerous others have argued before👇, despite their apparent twattishness, Brexiters are running an extremely sophisticated communications campaign with a clear objective...
Their objective is to distract from the *impact* of Brexit on the country & to prevent public opinion swinging against Brexit until it is too late (this autumn).
So the message about “EU cherrypicking” is really aimed at UK voters who either supported Brexit or who feel that “we had a vote & now we should get on with it” (between them still ~50%). It is designed to stop them wavering in their support for (or acquiescence in) Brexit...
The message these smart, devious, manipulative people who are pushing Brexit want to get across with these accusations of “EU cherrypicking” are:
-the EU is acting unfairly
-the EU is acting hypocritically
..”so don’t think about what a mess Brexit & all the damage it is doing or question whether we really need to go through with it - but rather ask yourself whether we want to have anything to do with an organisation that behaves so unfairly or hypocritically”...

...we shouldn’t be surprised: Leave liars gonna lie (it’s what they do); manipulators gonna manipulate.// #LeaveLiars #BrexitShambles #twats