Docs reveal:
ISIS paid fighters $50 p/m per slave
ISIS Human Resources booklets give number of slaves
ISIS Ministry of Health cards mention nbr of slaves
#ISISfiles 👇👇👇
Receipt book shows ISIS fighter gets $50 per month if he has a slave &$35 if he has child of a slave.
@akhbar #ISISfiles
In it workers had to answers questions like: How much furniture, weapons did u get from ISIS? Also: How many slaves do u have?
@akhbar #ISISfiles
Questions on card include: Name, country of origin, number of wives &number of slaves.
It includes 6 reasons for enslaving women &children. “Enslavement breaks the woman psychologically, makes her choose Islam by force or choice."
This doc already known but again found near Raqqa.
@akhbar #ISISfiles
But the #ISISfiles I found show slavery is very much widespread in ISIS ranks.
ISIS institutionalized slavery.
-ISIS fighters
-ISIS financial officials
-ISIS administrative workers
-ISIS Human Resources department
-ISIS Ministry of Health (doctors, nurses..)
-Civilian couples wanting to get married
In 2017 @haralddoornbos and I were in Tabqa (80km west of Raqqa).
Not easy to find ISIS documents because the group destroys it before they retreat. Or U.S. special forces arrive before reporters &take it to gather info.
People connected to the mosque let us in &said many ISIS documents were still there.
@akhbar #ISISfiles

We then quickly left because Tabqa wasn't very safe- ISIS cells around. Pic of me in mosque. @akhbar

One man took sword &put it on neck of his friend &demonstrated how people were beheaded during ISIS time.
It was a very eerie atmosphere.
#ISISfiles @akhbar

It took us months to copy all files &go thru them, categorize &understand the content.
Files consisted of tel numbers, names, pics, court cases, notes, etc. Of course not all is publishable.
#ISISfiles @akhbar