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1) Friends, #Q post from yesterday indicates a plan to discredit #QAnon is being deployed. Here is what to watch for and expect.

They're panicked & desperate, recent events are starting to zero in on the #cabal's deepest secret. Some thoughts...

2) The recent #NYTimes op-ed on #Qanon was huge. Our response was magical. Measured, fact based, not R v D, and polite. #WeThePeople did a brilliant job. At last check it was over 700 comments and very few retwteets.

#GreatAwakenening #QArmy #Q #MAGA…
3) Keep this tactic alive. The new wave, per #Q's drop, will be coming from the ever grumpy #4chan which goes absolutely mental over any mention of #QAnon. So the tactic will be pitting the #Anons against each other, using #mediamatters in a coordination with the #MSM. #FakeNews
Read 10 tweets
1) The boards are being shilled pretty hard today w people questioning #QanonPosts. I'd like to interrupt your normally scheduled programming with the following:

The #swamp is being drained. See the list of accomplishments below, corruption at this scale takes time. #QAnon
2) There was a massive roundup of #Saudi elites, including Al-Waleed bin Talal, notable for his endless meddling in #US affairs and membership in the #cabal. All were neutered.

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #DrainTheSwamp #DrainTheDeepState
3) #ISIS is on it's last breath. Why? #Saudi purge? Who else funds ISIS? See how fast they disappeared once their funding was cut? Imagine the intricate planning needed to cut those strings.
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