The pull of service & adventure, however, stayed w her.
She came to understand that CIA was a place where women could serve doing clandestine work around the world.
The skepticism of some of her male colleagues was obvious, w comments like, "I can't believe they're sending you to a place like that."
She quickly proved doubters wrong.
For her work, Haspel received the George H.W. Bush Award for Excellence in Counterterrorism.
Her first day on the job was September 11, 2001
She walked in amid the commotion, sat down at a computer, & got to work. She didn't let up for 3 years, often working 7 days a week
She leads w compassion, integrity, discipline, & humor.

"Getting to work with these officers is the greatest part of the job," she says. "They are the silent warriors who work ceaselessly to protect America."