the feeling that best describes my #brexit emotions is:
Come on UK, I love you and respect you, but also be aware,
there’s nothing special about you as a country that means you deserve ‘special treatment’ from EU.
Now the € is the second reserve currency in the world and the pound is nowhere
£ goes up and down like a yo-yo
Now you’re complaining about immigration but did not use your brakes
never really engaged with us in Europe.
It’s been like one foot in the EU and the other in your old Empire,
but that other foot really was in some sort of grave, wallowing in Imperial nostalgia.
We have a perfect place for you in EU in mind.
That is to be the ‘Services Capital’ of the EU as well as the world, something you’re good at
But if you don’t play ball we’ll freeze you out.
For starters with a population a third of the UK, The Netherlands almost pays as much in the EU coffers as you British.
A brilliant return of investment!
You can bleat all you like NATO kept the peace
One thing I remember from my flower power seventies hippy days:
"Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity"

it will be Robotics and Artificial Intelligence.
They're already carving up the spoils for their City friends
Whereas in EU parliament they're starting to think about how to handle this EU wide!

@conservatives and @Nigel_Farage and his mate @realDonaldTrump would be the last I'd trust after #brexit
I'd rather sell my soul to @JunckerEU and @guyverhofstadt
overseen by a strong EU Parliament any day!!