Why doesn't he keep his uninformed mouth shut. Stop using other countries to try and explain gun deaths.
Look in American graveyards.
Look through thread 👇
Total: 226,135 incidents.
Children 0-7yrs:
2014 = 610
2015 = 695
2016 = 672
2017 = 735
2014 = 2331
2015 = 2699
2016 = 3133
2017 = 3240
2014 = 270
2015 = 333
2016 = 383
2017 = 346
2014 = 262
2015 = 318
2016 = 326
2017 = 316
2014 = 1775
2015 = 1916
2016 = 1988
2017 = 2080
2014 = 2625
2015 = 2394
2016 = 2576
2017 = 2536
2014 = 1588
2015 = 1376
2016 = 1985
2017 = 2053
2014 = 1608
2015 = 2964
2016 = 2204
2017 = 2030
2014 = 51850
2015 = 53752 =
2016 = 58899 =
2017 = 61664

Yet McCain has received $7.7 million in donations from NRA
Find out why?
John McCain
Phone: 202-224-2235
Contact Information: senate.gov/senators/conta…
Twitter: @SenJohnMcCain
Sen. Richard Burr has received $6.9 million in @NRA donations.
Richard Burr
Phone: 202-224-3154
Contact Information: senate.gov/senators/conta…
Twitter: @SenatorBurr
1068 child deaths in Florida since 2014
Yet Sen. Marco Rubio has received $3.3 million in @NRA donations.
Ask him to explain?!!?
Marco Rubio
Phone: 202-224-3041
Contact Information: senate.gov/senators/conta…
Twitter: @SenRubioPress
Yet Sen. Roy Blunt had received $4.5 million in @NRA donations
Ask him why?
Roy Blunt
Phone: 202-224-5721
Contact Information: senate.gov/senators/conta…
Twitter: @RoyBlunt
But Sen. McConnell has still taken $1.3 million from @NRA donations.
He thinks these children's lives were worth $5,531 each.
Ask him to explain.
Phone: 202-224-2541
Contact Information: senate.gov/senators/conta…
Twitter @McConnellPress
Child incidents 164
Jeff Flake
Phone: 202-224-4521
Contact Information: senate.gov/senators/conta…
Twitter: @JeffFlake
$4.4 million
474 child incidents
Thom Tillis
Phone: 202-224-6342
Contact Information: senate.gov/senators/conta…
Twitter: @senthomtillis
$3.9 million received
130 Child gun incidents.
Cory Gardner
Phone: 202-224-5941
Contact Information: senate.gov/senators/conta…
Twitter: @SenCoryGardner
Ken Buck - District 4
Phone: 202-225-4676
Contact Information: house.gov/representative…
Twitter: @RepKenBuck
#OHGov #OhioVotes has received $3,061,941 from @NRA
Child incidents during to gun violence 805
He thinks children's lives in #Ohio are worth $3,803 each.
Phone: 202-224-3353
Contact Information: senate.gov/senators/conta…
Twitter: @SenRobPortman
Child gun incidents 401
He thinks Indiana children's lives are worth $7224 each.
Ask him why?
Todd Young
Phone: 202-224-5623
Contact Information: senate.gov/senators/conta…
Twitter: @SenToddYoung
Child gun incidents 2014-present is 564
He thinks Louisiana child's lives are worth $5,073 each
Ask him to explain.
Bill Cassidy
Phone: 202-224-5824
Contact Information: senate.gov/senators/conta…
Child gun incidents 2014-present is 573
He thinks a child in Georgia's life is worth $3,466
Ask him to explain
Phone: 202-224-3521
Contact Information: senate.gov/senators/conta…
Twitter: @sendavidperdue