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Simon Usherwood @Usherwood
7 years ago, 15 tweets, 2 min read Read on Twitter
Let's work through why Cabinet/CON are fighting over which of two plans that EU rejects is happening:

Both Customs Partnership (CP) and Maximum Facilitation (MF) have been rejected so far by EU as underdeveloped and probably unviable. So why persist?

Different levels at work here, so let's try to unpack them

First point is that I'm going to reject ignorance of EU position as an option: it's been said enough and those involved know enough that this explanation doesn't fly

Secondly, it reflects v.different views of UK's future relationship (@tconnellyRTE piece was excellent on this:…)

MF means being out of Customs Union, but trying to keep barriers to a minimum, while CP is being aligned to CU and keeping v.close

'Win' this battle and you get to set a tone

Importantly, many in UK see CP/MF paths as viable, but needing some more time to work up (although neither is being, right now). For CP, that points to staying in a CU until then, while MF points to leaving, then working to drop barriers

But CP/MF is also symbolically important, as CON think about post-Mar 2019/post-May period. Need to lay markers down now, to show how they would have done things differently

As someone here pointed out, Brexit will never fail, just never be implemented correctly. So need to get in early to shape that narrative

At another level, CP/MF matters because it'll be taken into Art.50 process. Even if not viable, it sets boundary for negotiation, so matters for feedback into rest of process

Most obvious element here is Irish dimension: choice on CP/MF affects options for borders. For those CONs feeling IE is getting to shape too much, so this is way to run up new interference

As of last week, CP/MF also is means to cement changing balance in Cabinet, w loss of Rudd. Working on May to toughen position will continue right through to Mar 19

But, finally, a caveat.

If triggers were going to be pulled, then they would have been. From ERG, from Johnson et al

That they haven't been suggests that current situation suits everyone:
- get a deal
- remove May
- complain about May
- work out a plan for UK-EU relations later

In sum, EU is waiting for Godot

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