I want something ➡ App grid / Search ➡ Tap Icon ➡ Launch App ➡ Hunt for stuff you want inside app ➡ Get the stuff you want
(And if it doesn't have the stuff you want, you repeat again with another app). 😤
I want something ➡ Search ➡ Get the stuff you want
Or even better...
I want something ➡ A slice of the app with the stuff you want


Here’s the straightforward demo Engineering VP Dave Burke @davey_burke showed on main stage. It’s subtle, but powerful: the good stuff you want from inside the @lyft app when you want it.
(Thx @lil_dill)
It's the “decomposition of apps.”
Yeah, that’s a powerful quote for the millions of apps out there.

Nerds, feel free to 🤤.