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Jun 14th 2023
Amazon is a perfect #enshittification parable - platforms subsidize end users until they're locked in, then make life good for business customers at users' expense, until *they're* locked in, then claw back all the value they can, leaving just enough to keep the lock-in going.
1/ A desert ruin. In the foreg...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

In a new report for @SOMO, @margaridasilva2 describes how the end-stage enshittification of Amazon is playing out in the #EU, with Amazon repeating its US playbook.

Read 70 tweets
Jun 13th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Saving the news from Big Tech with end-to-end social media; Hey look at this; and more!

Archived at:…


1/ Image: EFF https://www.eff....
Saving the news from Big Tech with end-to-end social media: The final installment in my EFF series on saving the news.

2/  Image: EFF https://www.eff...
Hey look at this

* Logistics Co Recruiting in American Truck Simulator Amid Driver Shortage…

* Social Case for Bright-Line #Antitrust Rules…

* #Ontario #NDP hearings to lower phone bills/improve ISPs

3/ Image
Read 16 tweets
May 25th 2023
#BigTech steals from news, but what it steals isn't *content*. Talking about the news isn't theft, and neither is linking to it, or excerpting it. But stealing *money*? That's *definitely* theft.

1/ EFF's banner for the save n...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

Big Tech steals money from the news media. 51% of every ad-dollar is claimed by a tech intermediary, a middleman that squats on a chokepoint between advertisers and publishers.

Read 27 tweets
May 19th 2023
They said it was impossible. After decades of #antitrust cases over #PredatoryPricing - selling below cost to kill or prevent competitors - the #ChicagoSchool of neoliberal #economists "proved" predatory pricing didn't exist, so courts could stop busting companies for it.

1/ A giant pile of manure with...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

Predatory pricing - the economists explained - was illegal, but it was also imaginary. A mirage. No one would predatory price, because it was "irrational." Even if someone irrational enough to try it, they would fail. Stand down, American judges - predatory pricing is solved.

Read 68 tweets
May 9th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: KPMG audits the nursing homes it advises on how to beat audits; and more!

Archived at:…


1/ Two business-suited male fi...
Tomorrow (May 10), I'm in #Vancouver for a keynote at the #OSSummit:…

And a book event at #HeritageHall:…

On Thu (May 11), I'm in #Calgary for @WordfestTweets:…

2/ Image
KPMG audits the nursing homes it advises on how to beat audits: Too big to fail, too big to jail, and an existential risk to civilization.

3/  Image: (m...
Read 29 tweets
Apr 20th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Company that makes millions spying on students will get to sue a whistleblower; Red Team Blues Chapter One, part four; and more!

Archived at:…


1/  Image: Ingo Bernhardt http...
Today (Apr 21), I'm speaking in #Chicago at the @StiglerCenter's #Antitrust and #Competition Conference:…

This weekend (Apr 23/24), I'm at the @latimes #Bookfest:…

Company that makes millions spying on students will get to sue a whistleblower: The BC Appeals Court drops a *terrible* decision in Ian Linkletter's anti-SLAPP against Proctorio.

3/  Image: Ingo Bernhardt http...
Read 31 tweets
Apr 19th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Iowa's starvation strategy; The Red Team Blues tour; Red Team Blues Chapter One, part three; and more!

Archived at:…


1/   Image: Iqkotze (modified)...
Tomorrow (Apr 21), I'm speaking in #Chicago at the @StiglerCenter's #Antitrust and #Competition Conference:…

This weekend (Apr 22/23), I'm at the @latimes #Bookfest:…

Iowa's starvation strategy: Maybe the cruelty IS the point?

3/ Image: Iqkotze (modified) h...
Read 31 tweets
Apr 12th 2023
#Enshittification is platforms devouring themselves: first they tempt users with goodies. Once users are locked in, goodies are withdrawn and dangled before businesses. Once business customers are stuck, all value is claimed for platform shareholders:…

1/ A complex mandala of knobs ...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

Enshittification isn't just another way of saying "fraud" or "price gouging" or "wage theft." Enshittification is intrinsically digital, because moving all those goodies around requires the flexibility that only comes with a *digital* businesses.

Read 107 tweets
Mar 12th 2023
#Jetblue is trying to buy #SpiritAirlines. It's a terrible idea. Consolidation in the US aviation industry has resulted in higher fares, less reliable planes, spiraling junk-fees, and brutal conditions for flight- and ground-crews. 1/ A crashed WWI biplane, rede...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
The four remaining US major airlines, who gobbled their rivals, are three times more profitable than their European counterparts:…

That's great news if you're an airline shareholder. 3/
Read 27 tweets
Mar 6th 2023
Live now: State of the Net conference #SOTN, featuring Assistant Attorney General for #antitrust Jonathan Kanter & @B_Fung
#SOTN #Section230 panel opens with @ma_franks claiming the law protects only against liability for defamation and related claims…

If that were all 230 did, why did Congress spell out things didn't 230 affect completely unrelated to defamation and the like?
@ma_franks .@MA_Franks relies entirely on the "Good Samaritan" heading for 230(c) to argue that (c)(1) must require good faith efforts to block content. If Congress had intended to make (c)(1) immunity contingent on good faith, it would have said so, as it did in (c)(2)(A)

Read 12 tweets
Feb 28th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: VW wouldn't help find kidnapped child because his mother wasn't paying for find-my-car subscription; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ A blue vintage VW beetle speeds down a highway; a crying bab
This Thu (Mar 2) I'm in #Brussels for #Antitrust, Regulation & Political Economy, with a who's-who of EU and US trustbusters. In-person and virtual attendance are free:

On Fri (Mar 3), I'll be in #Graz for @ElevateFestival:… 2/
VW wouldn't help find kidnapped child because his mother wasn't paying for find-my-car subscription: All the harms of surveillance, none of the benefits.

Read 20 tweets
Feb 27th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Podcasting "Twiddler"; Hey look at this; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ A mandala made from a knob and button-covered control panel.
This Thu (Mar 2) I'm in #Brussels for #Antitrust, Regulation & Political Economy, with a who's-who of EU and US trustbusters. In-person and virtual attendance are free:

On Fri (Mar 3), I'll be in #Graz for @ElevateFestival:… 2/
Podcasting "Twiddler": What makes digital platforms so enshittification prone?

TK 3/  Image: Stephen Drake (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.o
Read 20 tweets
Feb 26th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Dow promised to turn sneakers into playground surfaces, then dumped them in Indonesia; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ A woman kneeling to tie her running shoe. She stands on a ba
Next Thu (Mar 2) I'm in #Brussels for #Antitrust, Regulation & Political Economy, with a who's-who of EU and US trustbusters. In-person and virtual attendance are free:

On Fri (Mar 3), I'll be in #Graz for @ElevateFestival:… 2/
Dow promised to turn sneakers into playground surfaces, then dumped them in Indonesia: Corporate "recycling" programs are just obfuscated landfills.

Read 25 tweets
Feb 24th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: This is your brain on fraud apologetics; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ A modified version of Hieronymus Bosch's painting 'The Conju
Next Thu (3/2) I'm in #Brussels for #Antitrust, Regulation & Political Economy, with a who's-who of EU and US trustbusters. Both in-person and virtual attendance are free:

On Fri (3/3), I'll be in #Graz for @ElevateFestival:… 2/
This is your brain on fraud apologetics: The curious comfort of victim-blaming.

Read 20 tweets
Feb 24th 2023
SCOOP: President Joe Biden’s nominee to fill a vacancy on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals is a longtime diversity trainer who has argued for curtailing the First Amendment and conducted training sessions that say "microaggressions" can "kill you." 🧵…
Now an associate justice on the Connecticut State Supreme Court, Maria Araujo Kahn suggested in a 2020 opinion that courts should criminalize speech that offends "oppressed groups."
Since 2013, she has also delivered at least a dozen diversity trainings and presentations to lawyers across the country, with titles like "Cultural Competence, Implicit Association and Racial Anxiety," according to her Senate Judiciary Questionnaire.
Read 20 tweets
Feb 23rd 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Fighting the privacy wars, state by state; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ Image
Next Thu (Mar 2) I'm in #Brussels for #Antitrust, Regulation & Political Economy, with a who's-who of EU and US trustbusters. Both in-person and virtual attendance are free:

On Fri (Mar 3), I'll be in #Graz for @elevatefestival: 2/
Read 23 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Matt Ruff's "Destroyer of Worlds"; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ Image
Matt Ruff's "Destroyer of Worlds": A return to "Lovecraft Country."

2/ Image
#20yrsago Bertelsmann sued over #Napster…

#15yrsago Random House Audio abandons audiobook #DRM…

#15yrsago Collective intelligence spontaneously arises among #ARG players — paper from I Love Bees creator… 3/ Image
Read 17 tweets
Feb 20th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Turbotax is blitzing Congress for the right to tax YOU; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ An ogrish, tophatted, cigar...
Turbotax is blitzing Congress for the right to tax YOU: Why do Americans have to pay Intuit to tell the IRS things it already knows?

2/ Image
Hey look at this

* A Mathematical Theory of Communication…

* How to Win at Monopoly and Piss Off Your Friends… (h/t @kottke)

* Crowdsourced land-clearing monitoring (h/t Michael Pulsford) 3/ Image
Read 21 tweets
Feb 20th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Pluralistic is three; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ William Blake's watercolor of Cerebrus, the three-headed hel
Pluralistic is three: Time flies when you're writing blogs.… 2/
Hey look at this

* 'Landlords Are a Scum Class': Everything I've Learnt About London Renting…

* The Lie That's Destroying the Economy

* What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work?… (h/t Tom Jennings) 3/
Read 20 tweets
Feb 16th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Google's chatbot panic; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ Tweedledee and Tweedledum, standing at the bottom of Humpty
This is the last day (Feb 17) of my #Australian tour for my book #ChokepointCapitalism with my co-author, #rgibli. We'll be in #Canberra at the Australian Digital Alliance Copyright Forum:… 2/
Google's chatbot panic: On the infinite insecurities of a self-styled creative genius who really just buys other people's ideas.

3/  Image: Cryteria (modified)
Read 25 tweets
Feb 14th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Nathan J. Robinson's "Responding to the Right: Brief Replies to 25 Conservative Arguments"; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ The cover for the St Martin's edition of 'Responding to the
This week (Feb 14-17), I'm in #Australia, touring my book #ChokepointCapitalism* with my co-author, @rgibli. We're in #Sydney tonight (Feb 15) (more tickets just released) and then #Canberra (Feb 16/17). 2/
Nathan J. Robinson's "Responding to the Right: Brief Replies to 25 Conservative Arguments": A seriously good look at some seriously bad arguments.

Read 21 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Obama's turncoat antitrust enforcer is angry about the Google breakup; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ 'What a Funny Little Government,' Horace Taylor's 1899 edito
This week (Feb 14-17), I'm in #Australia, touring my book #ChokepointCapitalism* with my co-author, @rgibli. We're in #Melbourne tonight (Feb 14), #Sydney tomorrow (Feb 15) and then #Canberra (Feb 16/17). More tickets just released for Sydney! 2/
Obama's turncoat antitrust enforcer is angry about the Google breakup: You know you're doing something right when...

Read 16 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: After Ohio rail disaster, Buttigieg is silent on restoring the safety standards Trump repealed; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ A locomotive steaming away ...
This week (Feb 13-17), I'm in #Australia, touring my book #ChokepointCapitalism* with my co-author, @rgibli. We're doing a remote event for #NZ tomorrow (13/2). Next are #Melbourne (14/2), #Sydney (15/2) and #Canberra. More tickets released for Sydney! 2/ Image
After Ohio rail disaster, Buttigieg is silent on restoring the safety standards Trump repealed: Civil War-era brake systems were good enough for General Sherman...

3/ Image: Gage Skidmore (modif...
Read 17 tweets
Feb 11th 2023
When a #FreightTrain carrying toxic chemicals derailed near #EastPalestine, #Ohio, bursting into flame and sending up clouds of poisonous vinyl chloride smoke and gas, our immediate concerns were for the people in harm's way and the train's crew:… 1/ A locomotive steaming away ...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
Those immediate concerns were soon joined by broader worries: that the entire rail industry presented a systematic danger, and the Ohio #derailment was a symptom of a much deeper pathology that endangered anyone who lives near one of the rail corridors that crisscross the US. 3/
Read 31 tweets

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