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Jun 21st 2020
Parlez-vous racisme [Thread] 👇

Current user base ~1 million @parler_app's
"#DeclarationOfInternetIndependence" is not the first we've seen & likely not the last:… with intriguing but unspecified notions such as: "The People, not the #TechTyrants, must...
...share in the value of #monetizing our data". Hmm... "share" how, exactly?

Parler is organised as a (US) Limited Liability Company, so is every user a #member? Or is that privilege reserved for its #owners, John Matze & Jared Thomson? And their #investors?

(Hints of #BXP...)
And @parler_app's #PrivacyPolicy:… explicitly states it'll use your data "For #marketing & #advertising purposes," i.e. its business model (like most of its "#TechTyrant" rivals) is to #profile its users.

Interestingly, for an "anti-#censorship" platform..
Read 6 tweets
Nov 29th 2019
So why I think the #GE2019 is really not done yet. A short thread. The summary: I think a hung parliament is still a very likely and a desirable outcome for the UK. I first present some evidence on the former, and then my view on the desirability on the latter. #Brexit
1. Most opinion polls now point to a #Cons maj, including yesterday's @YouGov MRP. MRP is great in the tool box, but still relies on raw polling data. Here,, I argue here that YouGov samples for BES do appear structurally different and potentially biased
2. Opinion polls are still mostly conducted at national level, ignoring constituency-level factors. My PhD student @EleAla shows that in UK, turnout tends to be systematically lower the "safer" a seat is. And this effect is increasing in the poll national lead of the incumbent..
Read 18 tweets

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